Monday, November 17, 2008

Shhhhhh!!! Super Secret Marisela Norte San Diego, California Invasion, Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday afternoon, November 17, 2008, East LA legend/diva Marisela Norte, will be reading at 4pm in the Little Theatre, on the SDSU campus; the reading/signing is free and open to the public! It is sponsored by my English 220.19 Introduction to Literature class AND the Department of English and Comparative Literature, SDSU. Norte is the reigning queen of SoCal poets--a singular artist whose talent and vision transform the mundane landscapes of the Southland, stripmalls and all, into an unforgetable lyric tapestry that is moving and unforgettable.


  1. Our group are such big fans of her writing that we've named a song after her. It talks about how her writing helped the subject of the song through particularly difficult times in his life. It's always great to be able to talk to an artist in an intimate setting.

  2. cool! she was on fire and really rocked the house.... is your band on myspace?

  3. Yes, our MySpace is and our website is We have a link to our own blog there as well.
