Friday, August 17, 2007

An Odd Web Sighting...

...but a "good" odd.

What do I mean?

Imagine a blog by a Norwegian, living in Mexico. He's a programmer. No, he's an actor who is crazy about movies.

What do you get? Mexploitation--a curious blog that is totally up the alley for those of us, the semiotiholics, who fetishize the display of all things Mexican.

Check it out!

Even more tawdry mexicanesque eyecandy is here.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rita Hayworth Overload

The chapter on electrolysis as a proxy for the existential, my homage to Rita Hayworth, is one of my favorite chapters in Tex[t]-Mex. I just stumbled on a site that archives snapshots from various sources of Rita, aka Maria Dolores Carmen Cansino. Go here for a Ritarcheology visual trough.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Dora & Diego Versus Speedy Gonzales

Our August 12, 2007 entry below, wherein AT&T waxes eloquent regarding the beauty of a monolingual world in a 1920 advertisement provides the perfect segue to our next galleryblog installment, wherein a recently-hitched, Hollywood, Tejana celebrities start piling on Speedy Gonzales while giving themselves over to reverie regarding future the issue of rugrats, something like "hope" evanesces on the horizon of tomorrow! Click here for a tale that fuses celebrity, multi-lingualism, procreation, Hollywood, and an animated tag-team match wherein Dora and (Latino Himbo) Diego get medieval on Warner Brothers' ratoncito.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

One Policy, One System, Universal Service--The Joys of Monolingual Fascism

Implicit in the critique of stereotypes in Tex[t]-Mex is the revelation that race-hatred, ethnicity-phobia, and malicious scapegoating all dovetail like randy lovers with ignorance, boredom, stupidity, etc. And it may get worse before it gets better. At the very least it is nice to know that at least it is not a new invention. Journey with me now to 1922 and the monolingual wetdreams of AT&T.

Home Town "Boy" Makes Good: A Tale of Laredo, Texas

It took 45 years, but I finally had a brief feature published about me and my book in my hometown newspaper, The Laredo Morning Times. If you read the story, do please note that I told the interviewer a couple of my students had troubles with their "blogs" not their "log[s]." The ironies abound.

A .jpg version of the story is available by clicking the image here to your right.