Thursday, December 18, 2008

Harvey Kurtzman's "The Psychological Indian" just published a post on a treasure-trove Harvey Kurtzman's art--among the goodies, a classic rumination on stereotypes by the EC master. A taste appears above; more here.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mexicans Versus La Migra! Lucha Libre Madness!!!

George Luna-Peña, web spelunker extra-ordinaire, is back in the house with an Alternet story (with vimeo) of wrestling matches between Mexicans and Immigration/Customs dudes! Stop the presses! Here's the story; the video appears below:

The Good, the Bad, and the Promoter from New America Media on Vimeo.


Damn, looks like Arellano beat us to the punch--by 7 years! Ouch!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Visualizing Immigration

George Luna-Peña sends in this cool vimeo posting that seeks to visually track immigration from the 19nth century forward:

Immigration to the US, 1820-2007 v2 from Ian Stevenson on Vimeo.

August 22, 2008, La Cita Bar, LA TIMES: Cantina Orosco's of the World, Unite

Just getting around to posting a Xicanosmotic clipping from the LA Times, concerning an LA Cantina that doubles as an artists' garret! Holy Picasso, Batman, Corona's and art school chicas! Right up Gustavo Arellano's alley!

In the ongoing evolution of Mexicans, public restrooms, and hygiene...

In the ongoing evolution of public perceptions concernin "Mexicans," public restrooms, and hygiene, I would be remiss if I did not post this link forwarded me by Sage Publications sage John Paul Gutierrez, regarding the activities of a certain Gringa celebrity and her diminutive "Mexican" sidekick. Hit the image for the story...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Chicano Rock! Aural Xicanosmosis--Don't Miss It!

The San Diego air-dates appear below; hit the image to see when it is airing in your neck of the woods!