A taste of Rita, with Frank Sinatra, from Pal Joey (1957).
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
See You in San Francisco for MLA, Gilbert Hernandez, Neurobiology, and Chicano/a Erotica
MLA San Francisco
280. Cognitive Approaches to Ethnic and Postcolonial Literature and Culture
Sunday, December 28, 2008
12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Nob Hill D, Marriott
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Cognitive Approaches to Literature
Presiding: Frederick Luis Aldama, Ohio State Univ., Columbus
1. “Neurobiology, Comics, and the Chicana/o Climax: Gilbert Hernandez’s Birdland as Prolegomena to an Erotics of the Visual,” William Anthony Nericcio, San Diego State Univ.
2. “Latin American Historical Cinema and Categorial and Practical Identities,” Richard A. Gordon, Ohio State Univ., Columbus
3. “Schematizing the Timelessness of State Terror and Violence in Children of Men,” Arturo Aldama, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
4. “Cognitive Psychology and South African Collective Guilt in Stuart Cloete’s Turning Wheels,” Rebecca Weaver-Hightower, Univ. of North Dakota