Saturday, May 02, 2009

Goebbel's Bastard Children Whip Up Anti-Mexican Hate: Boston's Jay Severin on PRIMITIVE Mexicans

As I move from being a coroner of "Mexican" hatred, as I was in Tex[t]-Mex, to an epidemiologist of the same pathology (this blog), I am finding there is almost too much to write about.

In Tex[t]-Mex's introduction, I write about madman Adolph Hitler's beloved adman, Joseph Goebbels, who, with Hitler, wrote of instilling beliefs in the German citizenry, creating hoards of adoring people who would "obey a law they [do] not even know but which they [can] recite in their dreams." Ridiculing laughter, common in anti-Ethnic jokes & cartoons are prime tools in this process, with stereotypes loading the unconscious with more subterranean hate than you can shake a stick at--Henri Bergson, big time French philosopher on laughter argues that these processes are "something like the logic of dreams, though of dreams that have not been left to the whim of individual fancy, being the dreams dreamt by the whole of society.

All this as a preface to the link below; hit the image, read the story, cry-rage-yell-shudder, and then come back here for the closer:

All of the usual suspect stereotypes appear in this sordid tale--for those who skipped the link, I will re-post the more egregious slime here:

In one of his broadcasts this week, Severin said: "So now, in addition to venereal disease and the other leading exports of Mexico - women with mustaches and VD - now we have swine flu."

Later, he described Mexicans as "the world's lowest of primitives."

"When we are the magnet for primitives around the world - and it's not the primitives' fault by the way, I'm not blaming them for being primitives - I'm merely observing they're primitive," he said.

He added that Mexicans are destroying schools and hospitals in the United States. He also criticized their hygiene.

"It's millions of leeches from a primitive country come here to leech off you and, with it, they are ruining the schools, the hospitals, and a lot of life in America," he said.

He added: "We should be, if anything, surprised that Mexico has not visited upon us poxes of more various and serious types already, considering the number of criminaliens already here."

Severin's worldview, a pastiche of lurid ignorance born from a lifelong study (apparently) of The Secret History of Mankind, is the most dangerous of many voices polluting the airways and view screens of our early American 21st-Century. If you are in Boston and in the media, bring me out there to do a reading and fight back against these dangerous, moronic Mexican-haters.

The irony of all this (especially in light of Severin's hate-laced diatribes) is that the nation at the root of this proto-pandemic is the good old U.S. of A.: Smithfield Foods, makers of Butterball, Farmland, and Armour products, among others, is responsible for bringing together people and pigs in such a way that viral crossbreeding was a matter of time, not doubt. This is not to take the blame off of any individual Mexicans or, Mexican corporations, Granjas Carroll, logolink opposite, a subsidiary of Smithfield, is also responsible for the fetid stew of shit, entrails, and bones (a Danteesque miasma if there ever was one) that allegedly gave birth to this scary influenza. If anything, Severin's "criminaliens" (nice neologism, creep!) are holed up in Smithfield, Virginia--and they aren't Mexican.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rasquache Sense of Humor

I love Mexico! I don't know the source--I grabbed it off a friend's facebook wall posting.

Monstruously Scapegoated "Mexicans"

The usual suspects, Mexicans, this time guilty for consorting with swine, and, via the familiar Nazi-spin machine that made Jews into vermin, "poof":

Mexicans = Disease

Of course, we ("Mexicans, that is), were always the floating signifier of dis-ease, dis-comfort, of fear!

EYEGIENE Lecture for SDSU Spanish Tomorrow @ 1pm in Arts and Letters 132

This was posted yesterday on our Lit Department blog:

English and Comparative Literature Chair Invades the SDSU Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When not alligator-wrestling colleagues over departmental politics, Bill Nericcio tries to keep himself busy being a scholar and cultural studies writer. He's been invited by the generous graduate students in Spanish and Portuguese at SDSU to share his latest findings filed under the salacious working working title Eyegiene: Permutations of Subjectivity in the Televisual Age of Sex and Race--his follow-up book with UT Press to Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America. Go to Professor Nericcio's blog or click the image opposite for more details.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Ethics of Latin American Literary Criticism | Rebecoming a Latin Americanist

Back in the day, I was an aspiring Latin Americanist--and as I make halting steps back to my professéd field, it gives me sublime pleasure to hang with John Beverly on the back cover of a recent Palgrave title, The Ethics of Latin American Literary Criticism: Reading Otherwise:
"The ethical 'turn' in Latin American literary and cultural criticism marked a withdrawal from or renunciation of politics that was generally coincident with the hegemony of neoliberalism. The great value of this collection is that it effects a reversal of this tendency, in a new context marked by the resurgence of the left, or 'lefts,' in Latin America. It seeks to find new ways of conceiving the political from the ethical. That desire, however, marks the collection as a site of conflict and debate--and that, too, is part of its urgency and richness."

--John Beverley, Professor of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, and Founding member, Graduate Program in Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh

"A dynamic collection that will make a lasting contribution to contemporary scholarship, Erin Graff Zivin's The Ethics of Latin American Literary Criticism is an original and eclectic collaboration--one that hastens the development of conversations between Latin American Studies and Cultural Studies academic enclaves."

--William Anthony Nericcio, Professor and Chair of English & Comparative Literature, San Diego State University

Perhaps my street-cred for domains Latin American is in full resuscitation: next week, my review of Gabriel García Márquez's new biography by Gerald Graff, Gabriel García Márquez: A Life, will appear in the Sunday San Diego Union-Tribune.

REPOST | Izel Vargas

Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America introduces the concept of "Xicanosmosis," a mouthful of a word that fuses the ideas of "Chicano" with "osmosis"--sort of a shorthand way of talking about what happens when the cultures and histories of the United States and Latin America combine, clash, fuse, and frolic. Izel Vargas's amazing paintings embody the odd, symbiotic dynamics of xicanosmosis in ways that my book just can't match. Click "Dora" above to go to Vargas's cool art site; one of my favorite pieces? "Estados Jodidos"; Izel Vargas writes into the galleryblog with an anecdote about what happened when he displayed "Estados Jodidos" in public below.

"What was funny was that no one knew what "Estados Jodidos"* meant, except for the occasional Spanish-speaking passerby, which happened to be the Latino workers that were employed near and around the storefront. When I was asked about it, the conversation quickly turned into a one about immigration in NC--some of the surrounding counties had been passing laws that didn't allow workers to hang out in certain areas, limited taco truck vending, and gave cops the power to detain for ICE officials anyone they identified as illegal. Most Latino immigrants didn't understand these laws mainly because of a language barrier, which in turn added more mistrust that had already permeated within the community. This is how 'Estados Jodidos' came to be."

[* A Spanish-language pun on "Estados Unidos" or The United States, "Estados Jodidos" means "The Fucked States"]

repost from Janurary 14, 2009...

Tomine Designs Matsumi: Eyegiene on Japanese Graphic Narrative

A Drifting Lifeis quite a tale. With any luck, Eyegiene {working title}, my forthcoming illustrated tome, will devote key pages to its compelling pages. More on Yoshihiro Matsumi's ink-stained hands appears in BookForum here. Adrian Tomine, who designed the book, is quite the thing with pens as well! Here's one of my all-time fave New Yorker covers and, a particularly powerful nude study {nsfw}.