Thursday, July 01, 2010

Artist Perry Vasquez Clues Me in On Some Cyber-Hate on the Internets

Only click the image below if you have a strong stomach for the "entertainment" below, the "Shoot the Illegal Immigrant" game via your pick of targets: the "Mexican Nationalist," the "Drug Smuggler," and, most lurid (and most convincing cultural artifact proving the merits of Tex[t]-Mex, the "Breeder." Write in your comments on the site and let's bring this game down.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Blasts From the Past Back Online

I am happy to say that the digital record of two seminars I taught in 2007, Naked Surrealisms, and 2009, Sex in Literature and Film, are back online; click the links above for the classes.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Isaac Artenstein's New Documentary on Tijuana on KPBS


KPBS-TV premieres “Imagining Tijuana,” Tuesday June 29th at 11PM. It's one-hour documentary focusing on the city’s unique history, contemporary realities, and its place in the popular imagination. Artists, writers, sports figures, business executives and renowned professionals from Tijuana’s Paseo de la Fama (Walk of Fame) take part in a lively exchange about Tijuana's current situation as well as the possibilities and challenges confronting their community.

Award winning director Isaac Artenstein (“Break of Dawn,” “Border Brujo,” “Tijuana Jews”) juxtaposes news footage, contemporary artwork, vintage post cards, landmarks and other images to create a dynamic and compelling narrative. The original soundtrack by Tijuana’s own Jaime Valle helps capture the themes and sensibilities of this near-mythic border city --- and our own imagination. See a taste of it here.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gilbert Hernandez via MTV's BLOGAMOLE

First, a video:

.... and here's the full posting; gracias to Daniela Capistrano for the linklove!

Public Image and the Whitewashing of Race

...this book just showed up on my radar; reader comments welcome!