Monday, December 06, 2010

Ack! Ack! Ack! "Mi pobre ciudad" | Laredo, Una Bola de Tontos and other Horrifying Revelations!

That's all Laredo, Texas, my hometown, needs: MORE Bad Press--hit the story from by tapping the image above for the details!

Here's the dispatch from my friend Marc García-Mártinez, profe at Allan Hancock College:

From: Marc García-Martínez
Subject: hey smarty-pants Tejano!
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 14:56:35 -0800
To: Bill Nericcio
Hola Bill...what does Laredo, Texas have in common with other cities like Merced, Fresno, and Bakersfield? According to a new study, it's one of the least-brainiest (read: not that smart) cities in the nation. I'm forced to wonder about the Latino/a demographic in these cities, and which 'behind-the-measures' measures these pseudo-scientific pendejos who compile the list may be directly/indirectly applying. Check out the links: one, two, three.
love,   M