Presunto Culpable/Presumed Guilty | new Mexican Documentary...

International Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog correspondent, Eduardo Santacruz, presently located somewhere along the U.S./Mexico border (but soon relocating to Barcelona, Spain) checks in:

There's this documentary that has all of Mexico talking about. It has broken records at the box office (very strange for a mexican film, even more for a documentary), unfortunately it has been suspended by the court and taken down from movie theatres. Presumed Guilty (Wikipedia link) (Spanish title: Presunto Culpable) shows the attempt by two young Mexican attorneys to exonerate a wrongly convicted man by making a documentary. In the process, they expose a judicial system that presumes suspects guilty until proven innocent. I'm distributing this to as much people as I can because it's a documentary worth watching, revealing conditions in the judicial system in Mexico. Please make an effort to watch it and pass it around. Here's a trailer and two links of the full movie, either one should be working. -full movie or -full movie

Eduardo Santacruz

Lo que mueve a la gente es la informacion.


It's worth noting that all links to the full movie include English subtitles. PBS also posted a shortened subtitled version, available until March 31 found here. It also includes interviews with the filmmakers and essays from experts in law and psychology.