Saturday, May 14, 2011

Latina Hegemony, Eva Mendes Edition 2008

Though I had hinted at it on my Tex[t]-Mex image page, I am just getting around here to chronicling sordid semiotic tales of Latina sexual hegemony in 20th and 21st century mass culture--Sacher von Masoch is smiling somewhere--especially about the 3rd image of Mendes below; first the images... discussion to come:

compare this last one to the infamous 
eva longoria chains/puppet
shoot linked here.

An Artist Who Channels Jaime Hernandez and Harper Lee

I guest lectured on Gilbert and Jaime (and a little on Mario) Hernandez in an introduction to literature class taught by Jenni Minniti-Shippey, the excellent managing editor @ Poetry International. One of her students, Norma Mejia, did an oil painting that fused lecture materials on Jaime's remarkable "How to Kill a... by Isabel Reubens" short story with Harper Lee's How to Kill a Mockingbird.  Very cool:

Restored! Naked in Black and White | from 2006 @ SDSU

When I resigned as Chair of SDSU English and Comparative Literature back in October 2009, I also relinquished (was yanked from) day-to-day duties as webmaster of the department; the result was that close to 20 years of webmastering was flushed down the toilet as a crew of little-engines-that-couldn't took over the site (before/after) and re-architected/remodeled me off the internets. Slowly but surely, I am bringing some of those sites back.  Here's one I really enjoyed from the summer of 2006, a course on film noir and pulp fiction done all in black and white.  Click the image on the right for the noir/pulp site.

Here's me working on my websites:

Loco Mexicans, Booze, and Marketing...

Thanks to ace SDSU graduate student and internet detective, Rebecca Hershberger, aka Rebecca Howat, aka, Cyborg 3, for zapping me this latest questionable development in the mass cultural history of "Mexicans" on the planet:

Carlos Fuentes at 82

I know he is not every reader's cup of tea, but my life in the arts would never be the same without having worked as Carlos Fuentes's TA at Cornell back in 1985; here's a great piece on the generous mensch without whose encouragement, the icy shores of Ithaca might have been a disaster; hit the image for the link...

Thanks to Eduardo Santacruz for the links...

Anthony Quinn, Robots and Death Cab for Cutie: A Cool New Video by Shepard Fairey

I ended my Robotic, Erotic, Electric class today--one of the most cool group of students I have worked with in a long time. And then, as if the gods decided to mess with my head, a video comes into my in-box that features street art, LA's Anthony Quinn mural, robots, and my favorite band right now, Death Cab for Cutie.   From video, no less, my present fave web portal.

All that's missing is for the ghosts of Derrida, Nietzsche, and Buñuel to visit me tonight in my dreams...