Saturday, June 25, 2011

What are you doing next Monday morning at 8:20am? | June 27, 2011 | Gustavo Arellano and William Nericcio on LA's KPFK FM

UPDATE! If you missed Gustavo's show, catch it here!  Link broken? Go here to the main KPFK archive and click on UPRISING for June 27, 2011 at 8am.
Whether it is for an intellectual CLASH OF THE TITANS (think Lucha Libre with mortar boards) or just plain old radio-rasquatche hijinks, it is always a pleasure to work with Gustavo Arellano on the radio--tune in this coming Monday morning at 8am for the return of Gustavo's KPFK radio show to the airwaves in LA and everywhere streaming over the's the direct link for streaming FM latino/a madness!

8:20am | Monday | June 27, 2011
Gustavo Arellano & William Nericcio LA's KPFK FM

Here's a vimeo from one of our joint gigs--this one in San Ysidro @ casaFamiliar's theFRONT...

Xicanoholic Lucha Libre: Gustavo Arellano and Bill Nericcio at theFRONT from Tex[t] Mex on Vimeo. | OC Weekly superstar, Gustavo Arellano, and SDSU malcontent profe Bill Nericcio, performing May 20th, 2010 in San Ysidro, California. The place? theFRONT at Casa Familiar, an artshaus extraordinaire.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Pachuco comes to Tijuana

The Centro Cultural de Tijuana is paying an homage to one of Mexico's most talented comedic actors, German Valdes in an exhibition called "Tin Tan: el artista, el pachuco, el hombre" (Tin Tan: the artist, the pachuco, the man). This exhibition will be held from June 24 through September 19 and will include a myriad of movie memorabilia and personal objects on display; from photographs, his green card, movie posters, and an original zoot suit Tin Tan wore for his many movies as the emblematic pachuco.

Remarkable Treasure Trove of Movie Stills Online and Free!

I just ran across a VERY cool treasure trove of scanned movie stills--click here for the archive! Here's one, slightly tweaked, still from TOUCH OF EVIL (1958) I would have LOVED to have included in Tex[t]-Mex.

As with most of the images on this blog, click to make grande!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Darth Vader is Mexican!

(or “...a not so long time ago in a mindset not so far away...”)

Well, Darth Vader may not be Mexican, but he might as well be in the broader interpretative sense of this socio-visual schema from the “How Stuff Works” internet site:

Sure, all the gadgets and characters of Lucas’ Star Wars universe may be entirely unique, but what is all too ordinary and widespread is this image of the tall, dark, serape-sporting threat to petite blondness (that is to say, innocent whiteness) confirmed here.

This hackneyed photo may be accidental or deliberate, humorous or irksome, racist or just sadly misinformed, but the scenario represented here stands out as one more example of the violent, villainous Mexican threat that haunts us all in the parking lots and alleyways of our social psyche.

What should we tell the folks at The Discovery Channel, who sanction this curious internet site?  Let the bastards hear it at their official Discovery Channel viewer relations page.

En la lucha,

Marc García-Martínez
Hancock College Associate catedrático (of sorts) y prevailing malcontent

Jim Rowader!! (Half) Son of Puerto Rico! Friend of Diversity! Mammoth Tool! or the New Face of Anti-Union Fascism | via GAWKER

Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog inmates! Please take the time to carefully peruse and listen to the video you'll greet if you hit the Rowader-TOOL-link image to your right; amazing stuff..... the most peculiar is how Target's head union-buster uses "diversity" as a weapon to try and silence the affable gringo filming him. Yes, this wanna-be-SS-anti-labor rogue uses his Boriqua pedigree to silence his ruffian-caucasian video nemesis!   It doesn't work! But it is fun to witness: strategic essentialism, right-of-right estilo!

The low-angle POV of the shot echoes Touch of Evil..... get it? Target union busting--EVIL.

Ha. You'd laugh, of course, if you didn't already know that Target won the battle against union organizers the other day....

update: more on Rowader... curious!

2nd update: hit the image for an earlier Gawker story:

Lupe Velez with CHIP AND CHOP!

original posting: 5/17/10 updated 6/21/11

More on Lupe and her chihuahuas, here...