Saturday, April 21, 2012

Louis Marx Toy: The Lone Ranger! Hit the Mexican Varmint and Double Your Score!!!

...thanks to ace toy detective, the institute of texan cultures's sarah gould, for the tip!!! more on this soon...


Louis Marx, 1938

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Gurus of the Sleeping Mexican: Maribel Alvarez and Jill Janis

Just flat-out remarkable! The backstory of the "Sleeping Mexican" figure is unfolding through the collaborative work of an amazing folklorist, Maribel Alvarez, and a collector, Jill Janis.

More shots from the collection here.  The story behind the story here, by Gustavo Arellano!

With Rumors of Mextasy Growing...

...rumors are starting to surface regarding MEXTASY exhibitions for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013--rumored sites include Ohio State University, the Graduate Center (CUNY), the University of Texas, Pan American, and somewhere in San Antonio (I can't say where!). In any event here is a recap of TEXTMEX GALLERYBLOG postings on Mextasy. The main blog for Mextasy, a traveling exhibition based on Tex[t]-Mex is here:

Don Diego, Icon of San Diego

Thanks to my cool chum, Mark Dery, for reminding me of a nagging absence in Tex[t]-Mex! Where oh where was mention/attention/love paid to Don Diego, icon of the Del Mar Fair grounds and other fine San Diego establishments (including the San Diego Chamber of Commerce).  How could I, a San Diego native (I came here in 1991 which makes me an honorary San Diegan), not tout this handsome "Mexican" mannequin. To ameliorate this nettlesome lacuna, I share two images--one a screengrab off wikipedia, the other a stolen shot of Don Diego--get your own here.