Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A little cautionary tale of so-called "Heritage," eugenics, and I.Q. parity with gabachos (...or, just one Harvard pendejo too many!)

Republicanos have lost yet another Latino/a member! Yep, in the wake of Harvard University's own Dr. Jason Richwine's warped little monograph (sanctioned by The Heritage Foundation, of course) on Latino/a I.Q. and immigration, here's another hermano from the Right jumping ship. Click on the link down here:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rest in Peace, Barbara Salinas-Norman—Xicana Activist, MECHistA, Teacher and Writer

Please read this utterly sad and somewhat disturbing story on the death of Barbara Salinas-Norman:

Mummified Body of Chicana author found in New Mexico home

click below for another take on these event from Santa Fe