Saturday, June 22, 2013

C'mon What's Wrong with Fixin' Us a Sambo Burger?

{Via tpmdc}

“I’ll never forget the day I was doing hamburgers, and I was cookin’ what ended up being called a Beau Burger, which was topped with a fried egg. Actually I wanted to call it a Sambo Burger. It came about when this motorcycle-driving, long-haired lawyer named Sam told me about his favorite little hamburger joint owned by a guy named Beau. When Sam was out tooling along on his cycle, he’d stop off for the best burger in town, topped with a fried egg, some melted cheese, a load of grilled onions—out of this world! One day, Sam was on my set because we were doing a show about motorcycles, and we were standin’ around talking about these burgers and I told him, ‘Sam I am going to do that burger on the show. We’ll call it after you—the Sambo Burger. You know—Sam, Beau. Sounds great, doesn’t it?’”
Deen claimed her producers forced her to rename the burger.

“My producers said no—I had to find another name, because some people associated the name with an old children’s book that was insulting to black people,” wrote Deen. “So we called it a Beau.”

Ya'll Please Write to us and Tell Us this Story is an Act of Fiction

After reading this we're surprised by Paula Deen's colorful insensitive remarks why? 

 “This one day she had brought her little girl to work, and that child had many big, fat blisters on her hand, probably from helping out her momma. Something about those blisters just attracted me and I remember hitting those little hands with a bolo bat, and it busted her blisters good. It was pretty satisfying. I don’t know why I did it. I have a hard time thinking I did it out of meanness. But her mother—I can’t remember if she slapped me across the face or she spanked me or both—but either way, now I know I sure had it comin’. Well, still I was heartbroken and I went running to find my Grandmother Paul and Granddaddy and my momma. And my granddaddy had the woman arrested for hitting me. The little black girl’s momma went to jail. All this time it’s bothered me. It was me who deserved to be sittin’ in that jail for breaking a little black girl’s blisters in 1957.” 

“I felt a little sorry for them, but you know why? For all the wrong reasons. I felt their families had to have been paid or somethin’ to convince them to put their girls in such a hard position—the only black girls in our all-white school. My parents wouldn’t have put me in an all-black school. I’m so embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to y’all that I thought that. Those families were pioneers. They were so effin’ brave. … The five girls hard to be majorly lonely. … I so wish I could take back my actions then. If I could do it all over, I’d have dragged them all into cheerleadin’, I’d have shared my lunches with them, I’d have held them to my heart.”

We'd Like to Renew Your Contract Paula...But Not For Nothing. You're Racist.

Food Network says they'll be fixing not be renew Ms. Paula Deen's Contract.

There was a time when Paula Deen stopped pushing vats of butter to flavor America's palate and encourage the art of artery clogging. She had a close call ya'll! Diabetes came a poundin' on her door, like a live chicken trying to get out of a broiling oven. The country forgave her and hopped on her on healthy train to join the slimmer Paula journey.  Well, thing is, Paula's longing for Plantation Nation,  and penchant for carefree colorful vocabulary, however seems to have vex execs within the Food Network. So it has been decided that Deen's contract will not be renewed.
 Forgiveness won't come easily for Paula. People are pissed ya'll. You supporters out there: Don't be too sad for Ms. Deen you guys. She's rich, owns restaurants, sells cookbooks and on the off chance Fox and Friends have a cooking commentary, she will be a welcome sight. The future is a Gumbo of delicious possibilities.

How about we start a list of puns on some Deen-inspired recipes while read and we sit here visitin'  on the blog. The topic also trending on Twitter @#PaulasBestDishes

Here's some of ours:
1. Paula Deen's fired chicken.
2. Paula Deen's Southern Grains (White rice and black-eyed peas served in separate plates).

Here's an original and truly terrifying kid-friendly recipe.

Snake Bites

image and recipe@

Friday, June 21, 2013

And the Award for Most Recent Racist Outing goes to...

The incomparable ex Butter-Lovin' Paula Deen! Come up Ms. Deen and accept your...


Darn. She apologized already. Move along. Nothing to see ya'll. Well.  If you do insist, there is something you should see. It is a video kicking off her official apology campaign. Don't judge. This probably has nothing to do with the empire she has to protect.

Ms. Deen (no relation to the sausage man as she is quick to point out in the depo) is in the middle of a lawsuit brought on by a former employer claiming discrimination. What? Just because she "details the Southern plantation wedding of her dreams, in which black waiters serve guests slave-style"does not a racist make.  Here's a transcript of her deposition. Grab your fan and your mint julep. It is worth the read.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Path to Citizenship? No Creo Yo! Says Ted Cruz

Republican Freshman Senator Ted Cruz is an outspoken Latino voice on the massive immigration bill currently being debated in the senate. The senator is vehemently opposed to  the "path to citizenship"portion of the law, which would award citizenship to millions living in the country unlawfully. As he told fellow minded friend Rush Limbaugh, he doesn't want the US government in the "amnesty" business. 

To be fair, Cruz knows a thing or dos about how proper immigration gets done. It means you do it like his father, 74-year-old Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, did it. In his arguments against PTC, Cruz oft refers to the arduous road his father took to become a prime example of the American dream:
By first getting  Canadian citizenship!

Wait. What?

Yes, Mr Cruz Sr.  didn't quite do things the linear and right way but he didn't need no stikin' amnesty to get him to where he is. However, he waited a good 48 years before becoming a bonifide American Citizen. When asked why? "I don't know. I guess laziness, or — I don't know," he says. See? That is how the stereotypes start. You're giving immigrants legal and otherwise a lazy name.

Mr Rafael Bienvedido Cruz's immigrant experience and life are admirable. No doubt. He's a Cuban exile, who fought along Fidel's guerrilleros to oust Batista from power. "He was caught by Batista's forces, he says, and jailed and beaten before being released. It was 1957, and Cruz decided to get out of Cuba by applying to the University of Texas. Upon being admitted, he adds, he got a four-year student visa at the U.S. Consulate in Havana. "Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government," Cruz recalls. "A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit."

See? Easy peasy and proper.  Once he got to the states with 100 dollars to his name, he worked as dishwasher. With a combination of student visa, political asylum, marrying a US citizen and becoming a Canadian citizen, Cruz senior's legal immigrant path was anything but linear, which is why it is so curious that senator Cruz is so against Path to Citizenship. "Since he liked to eat seven days a week, he worked seven days a week" Ted Cruz says of his father, "and then ended up getting a job and eventually going on to start a small business and to work towards the American dream.

The range of reasons and circumstances of how immigrants get to this country, are as varied as those who take the journey into the US, looking for a better life. The path to becoming a US citizen is not linear, just as Mr. Cruz's path wasn't. I would venture to say that most immigrants coming to the US want to work. They too like to eat seven days a week, and feed their families seven days a week.  Things have changed since the post Batista revolution era in which senator Cruz's father decided to leave his country of birth. Immigration reform is a necessary conversation because it reflects the reality of who we are as a country. PTC is not the panacea to what ails immigration issues.

Whatever your views are on this discussion, they are valid. Having the discussion divorced from politics and votes might be the only way to come to an honest solution.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ACLU Arizona Goes all Mobile App on SB1700 En Ingles y Español

That's right people. There is an app for helping folks deal with the show- me- your- papers- if -you're-not- white Arizona law. The American Civil Liberties Union developed high-tech tools which include a bilingual mobile phone app, designed to educate the public about individual's rights within the SB1700, and to report abuse. According to the ACLU web page, United Against SB1700 is a campaign which "...seeks to educate the public on their constitutional rights, document abuses and advocate for families and community members who have been unjustly impacted by SB 1070."

The app is only one of the ways in which UA-1070- is educating the public. The campaign also includes a Youtube channel with videos of people offering testimony about experiences with SB1700.

Take a look.

Rickyyy! Jayyyy! Sofía Vergara or Lucille Ball?


Sofia Vergara posted this transformation pic on Twitter. We still don't know what's behind the homage to the red-headed American icon Lucille Ball, but the complete resemblance is almost there. The I love Lucy program introduced American television audiences to another stereotype of Latin men we hold dear today: Ricky Ricardo, the bumbling heavily accented Latin lover. Ricky was played by Cuban actor Desiderio (Desi) Arnaz. I can personally blame the I Love Lucy show for the cruel reminder of my mispronunciation of the word passport as "passaport." Here's the episode link:

If there is a a role for Sofia Vergara as Lucille Ball in the future, the impersonation might not be so far off from her character Gloria,who Vergara plays on Modern Family. Both Gloria and Lucy mastered a whiny nasal (and almost sweet) voice to call their respective television spouses.

¡De nalgas!Jennifer Lopez Muestra su Agradecimiento al Público Británico

 Text[t]-Mex en Español

Poco después de que la cantante Jennifer Lopez empezara su acto en el programa Britain's Got Talent, comenzaron a aparecer quejas en Twitter sobre el atuendo atrevido y la manera sensual de su coreografía.  Puede que los Ingléses esten acostumbrados a ver espectáculos un poco picantes, pero las quejas provinieron de personas recordándole a la cadena de TV y la JLo, que estába presentádonse en un programa familiar.

Jenny fue invitada al programa Británico para estrenar su nuevo single "Live it Up," pero atrajo más atención su bodysuit negro de piel de víbora, que la nueva canción. Unos de los tweets le recordó a Jlo que era una artista, no una prostituta. El resto de los tweets tomaron el mismo tono, criticando a cantante por lo que consideraban un atuendo nada propio para la audiencia del programa. La cadena de TV accedió explicando que quizás el espectáculo que montó JLo exidió el límite de decencia un poco. Ahora, vale la pena recordar que JLo estuvo en Inglaterra para promover un concierto con las súper cantantes Madonna y Beyoncé para recaudar fondos para la organización Chime For Change.  Esperemos que el mini escándalo no le quite atención a la buena voluntad de Jlo. La organización, fundada por Gucci, ayuda a fortalecer los derechos de la mujer.

Ademas, señores y señoras, hay que ver lo bien que se conserva Jenny del Bronx. Con cuarenta y tantos años y dos niños se conserva súper bién.

Entonces sea usted el jurado. Aquí les va el video. ¿Estuvo tan escandaloso el espectáculo?

Who is Gabriel Gomez? Quizas el New Senador de Massachusetts

Tex(t)Mex en Español

¡Se Apareció de la Nada!
Es uno de los comentarios sobre la victoria de Gomez en la elección especial para reemplazar al Senador John Kerry, que dejó su puesto para el emplear el papel de Secretario de Estado. El partido Azúl se descuidó y nunca se imaginó que un desconocido se organizó tan hábil y rápidamente para ganar una elección que parecía ser una victoria fácil para los Demócratas. Eso si, Gabriel Gomez tiene un linaje impresionante. Es hijo de inmigrantes Colombianos, se graduó de la Academia Naval de E.U, donde realizó ser piloto de la Marina, y un "Navy SEAL." Después no se conformó con esos pocos logros, y acudió a la Universidad de Harvard donde estudió Negocios. Antes de entrar a la arena política, Gomez tuvo una carrera lucrativa en el sector privado. Se dice que ha ganado millones de dólares con los cuales a financiado su campaña, sin tener que pedir ni un centavo de donaciones. Y eso que solo tiene 47 añitos.  Es como que si los Republicanos hubieran diseñado al candidato perfecto.

El problema es que en Massachusetts el voto es predominantemente Demócrata, y una mayoría de los votantes Hispanos del estado también votan con el partido Democrático. Los Republicanos han estado tratando de atraer el voto Hispano, desde que se dieron cuenta que los Hispanos ayudaron a reelegir a Barak Obama. La atracción de Gabriel Gomez es obvia: Es joven, apuesto, dedicado a su país, ex marinero, pero no tiene experiencia en el mundo político. Algunos piensan que esa inexperiencia le va a ayudar, porque la gente está cansada de los mismos problemas de siempre con los políticos actuales. Al parecer a Gomez no le gusta estar a la derecha o a la izquierda de un tema. El proclama tener flexibilidad para tomar decisiones que afectan al estado, y al país sin jugar para un partido favorito. En el estado de Massachusetts la  población es 10% Hispana. Por tanto, la próxima elección, va a ser de gran interés para el resto del país.

Veremos si a los Hispanos de Massachusetts Gabriel Gomez les inspira la suficiente confianza, para hacer que cambien de partidos en la elección final del 25 de Junio, contra el Demócrata Ed Markey.

Un momento en familia,con su esposa Sarah y sus hijos, nada artificial y sumamente espontáneo.