Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Votes Are In! Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) Unanimously Elected OCTOBER 2013 PENDEJO OF THE MONTH! "I Can't Even Look at You Edition"

Texas politicos just love the notoriety that comes with being a Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog PENDEJO OF THE MONTH--witness the pendejoness of Pete Sessions (bizarre caucasian bestiary candidate numero uno) who in a meeting with President Obama over the recent budget meltdown mouthed words of infamy (and classlessness) at the "leader of the free world." Sessions comment? "I cannot even stand to look at you".... which would be funny if it wasnt old school racist logic fueling the fires of his utterance.

More on the debacle from the Daily Kos.  and from the Huffington Post and from everyone.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Feliz Cumpleaños Celia y Gracías a Google

Without apology, here at Tex[t]Mex we express fawning adoration for epic Latina screen sirens.  These women hold an indelible place in the world's entertainment history, in spite of constant discrimination, and alienation from their own heritages. Today Google made our day by dedicating a Google Doodle to the powerhouse singer Celia Cruz. Take a look:

About Celia

Y más
I dare you to listen without dancing