Monday, April 28, 2014

Just a Quick Link to the Kindle Edition of Carlos Fuentes' AURA... Robotic Erotic Electric, English 220

I have been hearing from my English 220 Robotic Erotic Electric students that both SDSU bookstores are OUT of Carlos Fuentes's AURA--while I could nag you with truisms like "the early bird gets the worm," I think what I will do instead is zap you the link for the kindle/online version of Aura.  It is NOT a bilingual edition as is the book, so Spanish language purists beware!

Images of the African in Mexico via Hollywood

The international dimensions of racialized representations are brought to the fore in this lobby card distributed in Mexico touting United Artists' BWANA DEVIL from 1952. If Hollywood is the chief exporter for unsophisticated semiotic hallucinations of the 'primitive' other and the same studios exert hegemonic control over the worldwide distribution of these "entertainments," there would seem to be no exit from this panoramic database of would-be ethnographic "knowledge."

click to enlarge
