Sunday, January 25, 2015

Teaser Trailer for Mextasy, the Television Series, Now LIVE on VIMEO via BLINDSPOT.TV

The first trickle of news concerning Mextasy, the TV show, is finally coming to light after a year of pre-production work with the geniuses of Blindspot.TV, a production team based in Mexico City, Miami, and Madrid.  A collaboration with Taco Shop Poet fave/Producer Miguel-Angel Soria, and Carlos Soloria, of Travieso Films fame, Mextasy seeks to rewrite the history of Mexican-American, Mexican, Latina/o, and Hispanic representation with fast-moving, filmed short stories that showcase the best writers, actors, singers, scientists, dancers, painters, and more, that just happen to be Latina/o in the United States (and beyond! Future episodes, Mextasy@Madrid, Mextasy@London, & Mextasy@Cannes, are on the drawing board).  Our website at Mextasy.TV is still bare bones, so the best way to follow our exploits is to like our Facebook page here:

Click any of the images to screen the trailer--directed by Osiris Luciano!