Thursday, December 22, 2016

Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas to all my Readers! May Your 2016 End with a Bang and Your 2017 Be Off the Charts Amazing!

A Merry Christmas Treat from Team Mextasy! Classic US Horror Flick Lobby Cards Translated for the Mexican Marketplace | Plus a Bonus Rita Hayworth Print
source | click to enlarge


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bonus 10nth Anniversary Posting "Treat"!!!???? Still More "Mexican" Stereotypes or More Semiotic Fun from the History of Race in the Americas

Bonus 10nth Anniversary Posting "Treat"!!!???? Still More "Mexican" Stereotypes or More Semiotic Fun from the History of Race in the Americas--this time from Spicy Western volume 5, number 3, from 1937!

Of course, Mexican and Native American stereotypes are not the only best bits to be found in Spicy Western magazine--salacious proto porn is also there for the masses!

October 30, 2006 Saw the First Textmex Galleryblog Posting...

Has it really been 10 years and 23 days? For a decade then, this site has been documenting the history of "Mexicans" in the American imagination in the 20th and, now, 21st centuries. And what a story it is. I knew when I started the Textmex Galleryblog that there were oodles of cultural artifacts that I could never stuff into the pages of Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America.  First off, you would need a page-count akin to the old Encyclopedia Britannica, which UT Press would never go for, and second, you would need the patience of a Samuel Johnson to pull of such an epic project.I took the easy route of using the World Wide Web, and the rest, as they say, is history. In any event, I was scouring the internets for classic 20th century pulp western images of "Mexicans" and I found some new examples--more for the neo-fascists in Trump's camp to absorb as they mount their bid for temporary (I hope!) hegemony:

This last one below is the most curious--there is no "Mexican" in sight, rather the "Mexican Meeting" is a cipher / shorthand for illicit sexual potentiality--one of the chief theses stuffed into Tex[t]-Mex: the "Mexican" as synecdoche, as shorthand for the inauguration of a 'dark', 'hot' coupling.

You can read about the origins of the Textmex Galleryblog here:

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Gringos Disguised AS "Mexicans" in this Early Frank Frazetta Comic Book Classic from Pappy's Golden Age Comic Blogzine!

Just enough time to provide a link posted last year on my birthday on the one and only Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine--don't know how I missed it.  No big treasure chest of stereotypes, just a bizarre Western tale of hooligan caucasians run amuck in Mexico drawn by Frank Frazetta, hall of fame comic/pulp illustrator.

Here are some panels:

Sunday, November 06, 2016

1950s Era Comic Book Meditations on Human Smuggling, Mexicans, the Border and More! Headline Comics #63 January-February 1954

Every now and then I get lucky. Meandering the back alleys of the internets can turn up some compelling artifacts--particularly where your interests are focused on all things Mexican.  It had not occurred to me until after finishing Tex[t]-Mex (better price here!) that some of the best materials on "Mexicans" in America would be in pulp fiction from the 1930s-1950s.  And that some of the "best" (most garish, most racist, most provocative) materials would appear in genre books--westerns, crime fiction, etc.

That's the case today with Headline Comics #63 from 1954--I am in debt the Bristol Board Tumblr site, a treasure trove of comic book artifacts, for the find. "Slave Peddlers" is a tale of Mexicans and Americans at the border/on the border--with n'ere-do'-wells, crooks, coyotes, "Mexicans" and more. According to Comic Books Plus, the artist credits for this issue are: "Pencils: Marvin Stein?; Inks: Marvin Stein?; Letters: Ben Oda."

Check out the whole story here--like most images on the Textmex Galleryblog, they get bigger when you hit them with your cursor or your finger.

Saturday, November 05, 2016


Chihuahuas, though utterly high-strung, are easy to please!

Take Tex[t]-Mex's salesdog, perrito "Don Chepe" here: all you have to do to bring a smile to the little vato's face is to click him! What happens next is magical! You'll be instantly teleported to where you can buy William "Memo" Nericcio's desmadre-filled book on "Mexicans" in the United States and beyond: Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America.

If Amazon is too too corporate for you, then go here to the eyegiene/mextasy poster shoppe and snap up a much more reasonably priced, signed/autographed copy of Tex[t]-Mex (just email Bill Nericcio at and tell him who to make the book out to...).

When you buy the book via you'll receive a gift poster and you will have made lil' Don Chepe tremendously happy!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pedro the Radioactive Child!!! Weird Science (EC Comics) #4 | Magnificent Harvey Kurtman Story Set in Argentina | Heritage Auctions | #mextasy

I was spelunking online looking for Latin America/Mexico-focused classic comics--related to the Textmex Project, but a personal obsession also. And look what I found: a new Heritage online auction for a page of Mad-man Harvey Kurtzman's art:

Click to enlarge--almost all the pictures on
this blog do this for you instantly!
A little further digging online and I found the color version of the story--on a site with tons of popups, malware, and grief.  Here, sans trouble, is the story in living color! Wow!

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Latinx Semiotic Hall of Fame: The Wizard of Mad Magazine, Sergio Aragonés

Click to enlarge
Spanish ex-pat (thanks Franco!) and honorary Mexican illustrator Sergio Aragonés changed the way I see the world--his features and hilarious marginalia in Mad Magazine is the stuff of cartoonist legend, but it had a profound and deep impact on my thinking.  Between Jacques Derrida and Sergio Aragones, I learned to obsess over margins, to focus with passion on the eccentric, and the rest, as they say is history.

I just ran across this strip from a feature on California by Aragones in the June 2015 issue of Mad, guest-edited by Weird Al Yankovic (ack!).  The series of strips on California, though, show Aragonés's still at the top of his game, with this one, in particular, of interest to readers of Tex[t]-Mex for it's cunning outing of the game of ethnic stereotyping/simulation:
Click the strip for a larger, high resolution picture.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Ugly, Fat, Corrupt, Mexican Bandits! Another Chapter in the History "Mexican" Stereotypes from Atlas Comics

Pappy's Golden Age Blogzine continues to emerge as the premier treasure trove for stereotypes-seeking cultural studies workers probing the backstory for anti-Mexican loathing--enjoying a Trump-led renaissance these days.  

Turns out the fat, corrupt, racist/rapist (Trump, not the "Spider"), did not have to dig too deep to conjure frightening hallucinations of swarthy, scary ethnic criminality. Below appear some choice page selections--the whole epic tale is available here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Prize Comics Western's 1950 Bio-treatment of the Life of Joaquin Murrieta is Worthy of the Textmex Hall of Fame--Evil Gringos (Think 19nth Century Trump-heads), Wronged Mexicans y Mucho Mucho Mas More! #mextasy #textmex

The March-April edition of Prize Comics Western hit the newsstands in January of 1950 and this issue has a treasure trove of findings for you, my fellow stereotype-hunters!  Penciled by M. Bailey, the story has everything--gore, hangings, treachery etc.--most of it perpetrated by angry, racist gringo Californians hot on the lusty trail for gold, Mexican blood and more! 

The star/victim of "Robin Hood of the Sierras" is Joaquin Murrieta, "bandit"/national hero/corrido-fodder from California history.   More on Murrieta here

An added treat for followers of the #bizarrecaucasianbestiary hashtag on blogger, tumblr, instagram, and facebook? None other than "Sandy" the self-wetting rubber doll! Ack! 
mas info!

For more info on Murrieta, California history, and other alleged "rogues" of the Western era, look up  Revolvers and Pistolas, Vaqueros and Caballeros: Debunking the Old West (Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture) by Cuban cultural critic and librarian Danilo H. Figueredo.

Comic scan source?  The awesome Digital Comics Museum!