Monday, February 25, 2008

From Touch of Evil to Lone Star: A John Sayles Interview

If Touch of Evil was the best film on the US/Mexico borderlands ever made, as I claim in Tex[t]-Mex, then Lone Star by John Sayles either runs a close second or I made a big mistake that will be have to be rectified in the second edition of the book. For some reason, I left out any substantive reference to Sayles's border opus. So, let me issue a small rectification here, with an interview with Sayles, Roger Ebert's review, and a Charlie Rose piece with part of the film's ensemble (fast forward to the 39:20 point on the counter):

1 comment:

  1. Lone Star is a better movie for my money. Couldn't wrap my head around Heston, too gringo-ish.
