Tuesday, May 20, 2008

UCRiverside Mexican Cinema Update!

For those of you dropping in today for your daily dose of dissected Mexican and Latina/o stereotypes, you are in for a shock as I am allowing my Media and Cultural Studies class at UCRiverside kidnap today's blog to update their syllabus.

Here's the revised line-up for the rest of the term:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Read Andrew Higson's "The Concept of National Cinema" and Randall Johnson's "In the Belly of the Ogre." In class, we will discuss Higson and Johnson as a set-up for our screening of Luis Valdez's I am Joaquin (full-text .pdf) and Culture Clash's OTC (Other than Chicano).


(Luis Valdez, 1981)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Discussion of Zoot Suit; please read Rosa Linda Fregoso's "The 'Return to the Beginning'" essay in MEDIATING TWO WORLDS carefully in preparation for the discussion. Also and KEY--bring your writing from your CINEreactionRANT 2 to class, carefully edited and ready to turn in.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

CHANGE--Garcia Canclini reading, Consumers and Citizens, now OPTIONAL; required reading? Josie Saldaña's: "In the Shadow of NAFTA: Y tu mama tambien Revisits the National Allegory of Mexican Sovereignty" from American Quarterly - Volume 57, Number 3, September 2005, pp. 751-777. This article has been emailed to you AND is available here.


Y tu mama también
(Alfonso Cuarón, 2002)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Your reading of Hester Baer and Ryan Long's "Transnational Cinema and the Mexican State in Alfonso Cuarón's Y tu mama también" is optional; we will concentrate in class on a discussion/debate of your screening of Cuarón's film--while there is NO cineREACTIONrant due this week, it would not hurt to come to class with three typed discussion questions that derive from the film and this class; you may turn these in for "extra-credit" if you wish. Make sure your name is printed on the questions you submit.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Exam 2: your one-hour, in-class exam will comprehensively cover all the materials we have encountered since I took over the class for Professor Freya Shiwy.


(2006, Alejandro González Iñárritu)

cineREACTIONrant, due, THURSDAY, June 5, 2008, in class, typed, up to two-pages, double-spaced, proofread, and with a clever title: "Presume that BABEL provides viewers with a snapshot of director González Iñárritu's psyche, his Freudian unconscious. In your rant/critique, tell your reader all about this hidden psyche using direct and specific reference to key images/scenes from BABEL.

Thursday June 5, 2008

final class discussion on BABEL; receive take-home FINAL, aka your cineIMAGINATIONchallengeFINALE; this take-home final is due, via email, as an attached .doc or pdf file on June 10, 2008 at 10am. If you want ALL of your marked work returned to you, please bring a good-sized envelope with enough postage (3 or so stamps) so that I can mail it all back to you after June 10, 2008!

Tuesday June 10, 2008
no class--turn in your final via email already.

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