Friday, October 24, 2008

Gustavo Arellano at San Diego State, Monday, October 27, 2008!

Infamous weaver of magnificent screed, the one and only "Ask-a-Mexican," Gustavo Arellano, cutie-pie puss above, invades the Santa Ana wind-swept confines of Montezuma Mesa, for a special super-secret, reading/signing/lecture at the Little Theatre at 4pm on Monday, October 27, 2008. Though the presentation is part of a series of presentations for an English 220 Naked Mirrors, Fractured Souls / Introduction to Literature course, the general public is encouraged to crash the gates as well--cap and gown optional. Arellano's presentation will focus on his new book, Orange County, A Personal History, published by Scribners (! Who would have thought that the original Big Papi, Ernest Hemingway, and this nefarious Chicano n'ere-do-well-scribe would be stable-mates).

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