Sunday, April 24, 2011

Of Lupe Velez, Celebrity as Deity, and More: An Interview with Russell Brand | via

"Lupe Icon" by Guillermo
Nericcio García

digital source
In "the hardest to read"* chapter in Tex[t]-Mex, the forth chapter on Lupe Vélez entitled, "Lupe Vélez Regurgitated; or, Jesus's Kleenex: Cautionary, Indigestion-Inspiring Ruminations on "Mexicans" in "American" Toilets," I play with the idea of celebrities in the early 20th century as newly minted "saints," with la Lupe a kind of early 20th century martyr--of no little assistance in this vein are the findings of Jeffrey F. Hamburger on the vera ikon or "Veronica" (that scene in the new testament, immortalized in the stations of the cross, "station 6", where Jesus leaves his face on a "Veronica's" handkerchief, aka, the first snapshot).

You can see this idea reappear, with post-modern trappings, in this compelling interview with Russell Brand on boingboing.

*A recent comment by one of my "robotic" undergraduates!

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