Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Jo Raquel Tejada, aka Raquel Welch, Immortalized at the SDSU Faculty Staff Lounge!

Readers of the Textmex Galleryblog know that we have devoted a fair amount of web-space to the pre-eminent Latina bombshell in American pop culture, Raquel Welch--go here for a roundup of postings.

But before Welch turned heads back in the day she was one of the most famous alums (though she did not graduate) of SDSU--back then she was Jo Raquel Tejada, or Tajeda (sic), as the SDSU Faculty Staff Club didactic has it, pictured here with Melvin Anderson, who seems to be biting himself in this snapshot!

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Thanks to photographer Michael Borgstrom for the camera shots!

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