Monday, March 19, 2018

Sex Drugs & Rock or English 525, My Day Job...

Devoted readers,

I don't put food on the table from the earnings of this blog--this labor of love only brings in the joy of encountering readers and fans who have found my efforts in Tex[t]-Mex useful, diverting, outrageous, and/or not a waste of time.

However, my day job is important as well--being a Professor of Cultural Studies & Literature at SDSU--there, this summer, I am teaching an American Literature class open to all majors, undergraduate & graduate.

More info here:

Toni Morrison's heralded first novel, The Bluest Eye, just one of the books you can read this summer in our English 525: Sex Drugs Rock class.
Posted by SDSU Department of English & Comparative Literature on Sunday, March 18, 2018

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