Thursday, March 06, 2008

Freud, Psychoanalysis, Eyegiene, and the Corbis Pinhole Camera

Much of what will originally be sketched in the pages of this blog are bound to end up in one of two places: in a second revised edition of Tex[t]-Mex (not likely!); or, most probably, in the pages of a book called Eyegiene further developing the methods and obsessions found in Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America, without so much of an emphasis on "Mexican" cultural artifacts. Both projects, in any event, are filled with semiotic hijinks inspired with a healthy lathering of Sigmund Freud--back in the day, I did seminar work with a EugeneLevyesque genius at Cornell by the name of Dominic LaCapra and have ever since prowled Freud's works for uncanny findings and lascivious narratives. Which finally brings us to today's internet find! A dandy as it materially fuses together my predilections for Siggy, the master, cigar-wielding Psychoanalyst from Vienna and cameras. Check it out!

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