Monday, March 16, 2009

Castro as Pundenda: Richard Phillips in Interview Magazine

Southland Ace correspondent Anabel Lima writes in to point our eyes to the latest works by Richard Phillips, East Coast art darling, and some recent works of his high art that are utterly predictable (not that that's always a bad thing) when it comes to the eroticization of Latina/o bodies. She sent along a recent issue of Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine so that I could scan and upload the striking portraits--Interview has the piece online as well now.

Castro 2009, from a recent show at the Gagosian, is easily the most provocative, the Marxist leader's signature beard refigured as a highly erotic mons pubis. No doubt the pages of my forthcoming edition, eyegiene, with UT Press will attempt to do justice to Phillips's evocative brush/canvas.

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