I am very, very high on the Lopez, Tonight show for TBS; or, at any rate, I WAS high on it--the jury is still out but this "cute" clip is giving me a bit of pause... not that I am some sort of seƱor puritanico, out to frown on the parade/bandwagon I am as likely to jump on as not; just that, given the forum, you want a little bit more.....
then again, maybe not; I remember growing up in Laredo and watching Johnny Carson leer at Ursula Andress or Raquel Welch--I don't remember giving him any guff in the school yard as a result.....
why don't we promote focus more on the fact that Eva Longrea is getting her Masters in Chicano Studies. We need to promote the History of the Raza and this field of study as just as important as any other
and its Longoria!
still and all, thanx for the comment.....
Que touchi!