Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Chapter in the History of Race in America: Ku Klux Klan, San Diego Style Edition

a huge tip of the sombrero to Mark Dery for the reminder about this disturbing piece, a miasmatic page from San Diego's history! hit the graphic for the story...


  1. Wow! I am in shock. The breaking up of families, lynchings, chemical bleaching, and deceit. Interesting and sad to read. It makes me wonder if beheadings occurring along the border states, such as, Texas and California, are really actions of drug lords.

  2. OK, but keep in mind that narcos/drug lords ain't no angels. Nothing about race should shock citizens of this country; it just goes to show how vigilant we have to be when it comes to human rights. Not just in San Diego, but all over. Progress is never a given.
