Heidi J. Boisvert's ICED Immigration Video Game

I am just beginning to learn about Heidi J. Boisvert's amazing agit-prop video games; learn more at her site, through the film below, and at icedgame.com

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eyegiene on Twitter

I twitter. Not often. But sometimes. I think I am too old for it's logic. Or something.

Tuesday, 4pm, September 21, 2010 | Latina/o Bodies are a Hazard to Your Health | Guest Lecture on Rita Hayworth, Latina/o Subjectivity, and Tex[t]-Mex

Lately, Latina and Latino bodies have been wreaking havoc, roiling the American population (or, at least the blogosphere) in new ways! From Mexican journalists cavorting amidst naked athletes in NFL locker-rooms, to J-Lo's nalgas (backside!) causing marital strife, to English Professors teaching American Literature by day and dominatrixing at night, Latina/o folks have been busy--throw Danny Trejo as Machete into the mix with Jan Brewer stirring up anti-Mexican neo lynch mobs, and its a heyday for the study of Mexican representation in America.

In any event, my hope is that reading Tex[t]-Mex, my book with UT Press, will help students to grapple constructively with this miasma of Latinas/os in the news. Indy Chicano filmmaker Arthur Saenz made the call to teach my book in his Mexican Images in Film class @ SDSU's Chicana/o Studies Department and I am coming in to help his students make sense of my deathless prose! There's plenty of room and the presentation is free and open to the general public. I will guest lecture there from 4 to 4:40 or so next week, Tuesday, September 21, 2010--Hepner Hall 214. Be there or be square...

Let's end this preview with a preview--the trailer from Robert Rodriguez's and Ethan Maniquis' Machete:


now gringo profes are getting fired over this "plague" of hot latina-ness