Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cafe Press: Corporate America Hater Haven for Anti-Mexican Propaganda

update: 8:32pm, pacific time--a gaggle of collaborating gente are trying to cafe press' attention! Track it on Twitter here:!/search/realtime/cafepress
latino rebels are on this as well here.


I can't believe this is real; click the image below to see Cafe Press's page for Anti-Mexican gear , and then click the link below to complain to CAFE PRESS corporate central.

Contact Cafe Press; see my note to them below:

Oh, and tell them their "content disclaimer" does not cut it...


  1. I can see a Mexican national wouldn't like this, but how is corporate America? It's just the opposite - Cafe Press allowws individuals who arwe not corporations to sell t-shirts that coporations would never sell out fo fear of blog postys like this one...

  2. David,

    Thanks for posting your comment. I guess the idea of mine in choosing this title was to make public how a legitimate, recognized, corporate entity, CafePress, was fronting swag-seeking, anti-Mexican gear-needing folks. Hence, the title.
