Thursday, March 01, 2012

About the Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog...

The new and improved Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog™ devotes itself to the aggressive, relentless, and, at times, pathological interrogation of Mexican, Latina/o, Chicana/o, "Hispanic," Mexican-American, and Latin American stereotypes. It is both the online supplement to and the bastard sister of a 2007 University of Texas Press book. The book, marketed for the general public (not just academic cultural studies wonks) and a perfect (if a tad garish) stocking stuffer, is also available from Powells,, and LA's rad Skylight Books.

William Anthony Nericcio, aka "Memo," is the Director of San Diego State University's ever-evolving MALAS program(The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences)--a dynamic, interdisciplinary, cultural studies graduate program located near the U.S./Mexico border. Nericcio also serves on the faculties of the Chicana/o Studies Department, theCenter for Latin American Studies and the Department of English and Comparative Literature at SDSU. Utterly more than is necessary to know can be found in his perplexing, image-laced online autobiography and a complete digital index of his web-based shenanigans is located here. Lastly, can also see a graphic design portfolio by Guillermo Nericcio García, his, er, 'cousin,' at memogr@phics designcasa.

Other cool contributors to this site include Michael Wyatt Harper, rogue semiotician of Thousand Oaks; Daphne Strassmann, Boston's lurid journalist of the latino/a surreal; Marc García-Martinez, Allan Hancock's finest malcontent; Eduardo Santacruz, Mexican ex-pat sage; and others, too numerous (and too shy) to share their names!

nota bene: The old school version of this blog, long offline owing to the evil doings of web-challenged "literature-loving" malcontents, is open and serving customers again, answering to the clamoring, shrill pleas of nostalgia-junky websurfers the world over.

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