Sunday, September 02, 2012

Xicanosmosis Explosion at The Spot 1st Anniversary Art Show

I will want to say more about this in the coming days but I wanted to quickly point your eyes to some extraordinarily cool art I ran across yesterday at The Spot's 1st Anniversary show in Barrio Logan. Followers of this blog know that "Xicanosmosis" is the fancy term I dreamed up in Tex[t]-Mex to describe what happens when the cultural richness of Mexico and the United States blend (osmosis) through and across international boundaries. This rich fusion, a kind of semiotic jazz, is enjoying a renaissance. For more pictures, click the R2D2 "candle" for a link to my eyegiene tumblr site. Click Cholo Batman for more shots as well.

1 comment:

  1. I think the art world prefers the term "eclecticism"....but.....if we regard La Frontera as a semi-permeable membrane, and the Mexican side as the solvent, then the solute on the American side is certainly becoming less concentrated. And THAT osmosis is a good thing.
