Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Heading "Home" to the Big Apple | Mextasy and Textmex Lectures in NYC, April 2013 | William Nericcio

UPDATED May 1, 2013--see below for a video of the OBSERVATORY lecture/presentation, Brooklyn, NY!

It's weird to think of a trip to New York City as a "trip home"--but in a way, it's totally true.  The "professor" side of my consciousness will always be wandering the snowdrifts of Ithaca, New York, where I went to graduate school. New York City, then, was a playground, a respite, a utopia, a wonderland filled with friends and misadventures and an utterly bizarre space for this son of the Texas borderlands. Needless to say, the big apple left its mark--took a big bite out of me sort of speak.

Which is a long, drawn-out way of saying that this week I am giving three lectures in Manhattan and Brooklyn.  First one up is a talk at the utterly rad School of Visual Arts in Manhattan entitled "Bandit, Succubus, Gigolo, Maid, & Fiend: 20th and 21st Century Latina/o Bodies in the Imagination of the Americas"--it is a variation and augmentation of a talk I gave at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 2011. The presentation takes place at SVA on Tuesday, April 9, 2011 at 1pm and is part of their Working Lunch series held at 136 West 21st Street, between 6th and 7nth Avenue.  Hit the poster opposite for details.

Next up, on Thursday evening, April 11, 2013 @ 7pm is "Narcheology" a new piece in development for Eyegiene, my next book with UT Press. The full title is "Visual Narcheology: Scarface, Semiotics, and Spectacles of Violence in Northern Mexico and the American Southwest." This talk is at NYU's 20 Cooper Square building, conference room 471 at 7:30pm and is part of Laredo-born Professor Josefina SaldaƱa's seminar on narcos. Tap the image opposite with your cursor to see the gory details.

Last up is the talk on Friday, April 12, 2013 @ 8pm at the amazing Observatory Room in Brooklyn. There, I will be giving a revised feature presentation I just gave up the coast at the University of Washington, "Confessions of a Mexican American Hoarder or the Caucasian Bestiary: The Existential and Insane Consquences of Collecting Stereotypes." More details on the presentation are on the Facebook invite page and here, opposite.

Please help me spread the word--I would very much like to bring the entire Mextasy exhibition to NYC in the near future!  Gracias!

Thanks to Mark Schwartz for playing cinematographer for Mextasy in NYC/Brooklyn!

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