Friday, January 01, 2016

email signature: dr. william anthony nericcio

I used to place this on the bottom of all my emails, but then emailing services like google and yahoo thought I was an agent of spam. Now you can enjoy them here in all their glory!

Director, Master of Arts in Liberal Arts & Sciences (MALAS)
Professor, English & Comparative Literature (ENGL), 
Chicana/o Studies (CCS), and Latin American Studies (CLAS)
Director, San Diego State University Press (SDSU PRESS)
Study Abroad, Summer 2016, LONDON ROCKS
snail mail:           SDSU MC 6020 | A&L 273 | 5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-6020
office phone: 619.594.1524


                      (More Info? Click here)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

"The Stuff a He-Man's Dreams Are Made Of" | John D. MacDonald's Mexico-based PLEASE WRITE FOR DETAILS, "Hotly Spiced with Latin Savvy," or Yet Another Chapter in the History of "Mexicans" in American Mass Culture (Fawcett Paperback Edition)

The sombrero clues you in to the Cuernavaca
setting for MacDonald's opus
I was stumbling around the internets and chanced upon an old Pulp paperback fiction blog I used to follow, Pop Sensation! There I found John D. MacDonald's PLEASE WRITE FOR DETAILS, a rather minor moment in American literary history, but a treasure trove for Mexican/Mexico/Latina/o stereotype scouts like yours truly.  Check out the original blog posting here or hit the images opposite and below--click them and like most images on this blog, they get more bigger.

As for critical commentary, I don't have much to add--it would be re-going over the endless arguments that appear in Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America! And, dear reader, I care too much for you to do that.  
Nothing says "I know 'Mexicans' like a pipe-foregrounded
author photo!