Eduardo Santacruz, regular contributor to the Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog, dutiful comparative literature scholar, and near-future resident of Barcelona, España, stopped by to donate a new artifact to my museum of ersatz Mexican facsimiles--none other than Roberto Gómez Bolaños, aka Chespirito, aka, el Chavo del Ocho. However, this one, from Best Buy, features the whitest Chespirito I have ever seen--hit the image above for the details! Yet another chapter in the history of racialized representation en las Americas.
Over on my facebook page, I ran a contest for the person who could come up with a pithy, witty caption for the outrageous image opposite! I am happy to announce that Stephanie Wells, a professor of English at Orange Coast College is the winner with her "White boots after Labor Day? Ay dios mio, do you believe that shit?" Wells will receive a free copy of my new book Eyegiene, if I ever get the manuscript to UT Press! Congratulations Dr. Wells!
In a sense, my eyegiene and Tex[t]-Mex obsessions seem to come together in this posting by Xeni Jardin on; Paul Virilio, Eduardo Galeano, Jean Baudrillard, and Zizek couldn't have invented a more perfect allegory for technologies of war and seeing in the 21st Century! Click the image above for the story and the links. A wikipedia commons image of the "Reaper" appears below:
To show that arrays of computer servers can have a sense of irony/humor, look at the captcha box Facebook tossed up to me as I posted this blog entry to my facebook crew.