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Beloved readers! I am back and so is Mextasy!
How can I leave a medium, Blogger, that gave my little book that could such a long run!? I couldn't! So here I am, back here, on blogger, to promote my Mextasy lecture, presentation, book-signing, rant, circus of desmadres coming to the California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) the Tuesday after Thanksgiving--November 27 @ 10am in the Pfau Library, PL 5005! Free and open to the public! Thanks to LOS AMIGOS SPANISH CLUB and all the other sponsors--with special thanks to Profesora Bibiana Díaz-Rodríguez and my old partner in crime, Felipe Quetzalcoatl Quintanilla (Western University) for making it happen.
Here are some new prints for the show--they are all available in various formats (did you say "pillows"?) here:
Dying for quicker, easier updates on Mextasy, Eyegiene/Eyegasm, Technosexualities, and all the other crazy things I am up to? Follow my antics here, here, here, and here!