original) "Holy
Mengele! or Cesar Chavez Rolls in His Grave on the Way to the Orthodontist"

It is a given that I will be pilloried for posting this, but if we are going to traffic in comments on stereotypes, race, gender, and ethnicity, and if we are to do so with no little particular emphasis on the manifestation of these beasts in popular culture and the humanities, then we also have to come clean as well about Mexican, Latina/o, and Chicana/o figuration when it comes from our be-lab-coated
hermanos y hermanas trafficking in the hard sciences.
Hence the following academic delight from
The Angle Orthodontist: An International Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics authored by Martha Mejia-Maidl, Carla A. Evans, Grace Viana, Nina K. Anderson, and Donald B. Giddone (
html or
pdf, pick your flavor), that finds, among other things, that "Mexican Americans...preferred upper or lower lip positions to be less protrusive than the Caucasians, particularly for female computer animation images."

Which may mean, among other things, that Edward James Olmos may not be dating
Meg Ryan--at least not in the short term,
and that Mexican-Americans have discerning taste, when it comes to visually-stimulated, fetishistic attachments to ersatz Botox-injected
chicos y chicas--
Miranda Martinez fans, notwithstanding.

More seriously, while said article may just be the result of test subjects confronting badly Photoshop™-mangled images, it also shows how the "hard-sciences" continue to traffic in the concretization of race and ethnicity--
Eugenics may well be primed for a comeback if these wacky dentists have their way.
Apparently, Ryan now will soon star in a film that
features a "wild" trip to Baja in search of next-wave cosmetics.