Friday, April 02, 2010
1994 Was a Very Good Year... Edward James Olmos @ SDSU

Brushes with Fame,
Edward James Olmos,
Rosalinda Nericcio,
Pop Surrealism Vanguardist Mark Ryden via BoingBoing.net

engl 563,
Eyegiene: Permutations of Subjectivity in the Televisual Age of Sex and Race,
mark ryden,
sex Drugs and rock and roll,
Tara McPherson
Charles Ramírez Berg on Bandits, Mexican Stereotypes, and More....
Gronk is Up to Art in LA!!!!
art history,
chicano murals,
Los Angeles,
There is no good reason to post this...

There is no good reason to post this picture of Adam West as Batman; however, there is no good reason not to.... so.....
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Gustavo Arellano Show on KPFK! April 1, 2010
Today's show on KPFK.org with the one and only Gustavo Arellano at the helm is already on the internets streaming; give it a listen and leave a comment!
Thanks to all the listeners who wrote in to drop a line. As always, there are three ways to listen: podcast (xml), streaming, and direct download.

george lopez,
Gustavo Arellano,
Los Angeles,
pacifica radio,
Ricky Martin,
Speedy Gonzales,
U.S. Census
Text-SEX: Gustavo Arellano Writes in with a Sassy, Salacious Linkaso!
original posting | May 18. 2008 | update below!
At the old school blog (the first version of this site), I broke this rule once [direct link], but I had to--there is just no R-rated way to deal with the X-rated outrageousness of connotations orbiting the phenomenon of the Dirty Sanchez!
So it is that today, we find ourselves going blue again here with two recent correspondent-authored email-notes to me from regular Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog malcontents (the truly 'regular gang of idiots'!) Gustavo Arellano and Michael Wyatt Harper.
Arellano, of Ask-A-Mexican fame, and shortly, the historian laureate of Orange County, writes in with this pithy clever screed:
Sat, 17 May 2008 11:13:48 -07=0
From: GustavoPIRATERIA
Subject: R=:
To: Memo
Here's a link for the blog:
The chica is Brazzers-worthy, but what kind of costume is that supposed to be.
The very same day, Harper hits my web-box with [beware, NSFW] this curious site [hmm...on second thought, this one is relatively safe for work, just a series of flash or animated gifs of a cavorting Latina subjectivity] [update: "safe for work if you live in a brothel," a thoughtful reader writes in!] with the title Selena's nice a**--no doubt Harper's "research" was intended to solicit some long soliloquy from me on the objectification of the Latina subjectivity or some other sort of monologue, but Rosario Castellanos's critical writings from Mexico in the 60s taught be to always be careful before pulling that schtick too easily.

In the future, Arellano and Harper had best stay out of my in-box! Santa Maria! more innuendo! It's twelve Hail Marys and 7 Our Fathers for this recovering Catholic.
Dios Mio, over and out....
ps: speaking of Rosario Castellanos--I can't believe her amazing Reader is out of print with U.T. Press--here is a poem by the former ambassador to Israel for Mexico and Mexican theorist whose work anticipated and coincided with Frenchie divas Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva.
Memorial of Tlatelolco
Rosario Castellanos
And who saw that brief, vivid flash of light?
Who is the one who kills?
Who are the ones who breathe their last; who die?
Who are the ones fleeing without their shoes?
Who are the ones belonging to the deep well of jails?
Who are the ones rotting in hospital?
Who are the ones struck dumb, forever, with horror?
Who? Who are the ones? Nobody. The next morning, nobody.
They found the square was swept clean. The front pages of the newspapers were full of the state of the weather. And on the television, on the radio, in the cinema, there was no change of programming, no special announcement. Not any meaningful silence in the midst of the banquet, because the banquet went on.
Don't look for what isn't there: traces, bodies, it's all been given as an offering to a godess, the Great Devourer of Excrement...
There are no official records.
Yet the fact is I can touch a wound.
In my memory it hurts, therefore it's true.
I remember. We remember.
That's our way of helping the very brave on so many a stained mind...
I remember.
Let's all remember until justice becomes clear among us.
Thursday | April 8, 2010
This just in from Guanabee.com--an utterly sucio and disturbing rumor concerning Sandra Bullock, Jesse James, Nazis, Videos, and, of course, the Dirty Sanchez!
Gustavo Arellano,
Hot and Spicy Señorita Costumes,
Michael Wyatt Harper,
Mother Superior,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
KPFK Tomorrow, Thursday, April 1, 2010, at 3pm, with Gustavo Arellano!!! Still Black or White: Why the Census Misreads Hispanics

george lopez,
pacifica radio,
Speedy Gonzales
Cesar Chavez! Que Viva Cesar Chavez!
cesar chavez,
Media Matters Tracks the Rise of Neo-Anti-Immigration Rhetoric/Movements
Mexican Narco Cinema on VBS.com
Drug War,
mexican cinema,
New Book on Jaime Hernandez: The Art of Jaime Hernandez
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Jaime Escalante, RIP | March 30, 2010
Jaime Escalante,
Stand and Deliver
Cool New Meditations on Race, Ethnicity, and Public Intellectuals including W.E.B. Du Bois
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
ryan schneider,
W.E.B. Du Bois
Scholarship Student Massacre in Mexico: It's the End of the World as We Know It and No One Feels Fine...
New Tex[t]-Mex iPADified Logo!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Middle Ages and Looking Goooooooooooood! Chicano Park Turns 40!
chicano park,
San Diego
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Latina/o Photography in the News: OC Edition
latina/o photography
Arts in the Americas in the New York Times....
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