A blast from the past! As I am trapped on this hotbed of peculiar islanders called England, I am far away from the tools that make the Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog a go-to site for nourishing tidbits of Latino/a-stained culture. As such, you guessed it!, reruns!
original posting: Thursday | January 25, 2007
Who would have thought that the veritable grandfather of celebrity-blogging, Rex Reed, would have the cultural studies skills to parse the depths of Latina semiotic complexity and notoriety, But I guess if Gene Shalit can be outed as a pre-Derridean seer (viz p.44, Tex[t]-Mex), then why can't Reed (film fetishist and would-be kleptomaniac) join the ranks of Art Aldama, Rosa Linda Fregoso, and Chon Noriega as knowing arbiters of the Latino visual culture?
This link does double service as our Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog has done a woefully poor job warehousing untoward representations of Puertorriqueños, Dominicanos, and our other and various Latino/a hermanos y hermanas. Reed's take on Moreno begins to redress this pernicious imbalance.