In 1988, when I was still a wee young thing, finishing my dissertation in Comparative Literature at Cornell and working as an assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut, I published my first essay in a journal called Americas Review (née Revista Chicano-Riqueña) edited by Nikolás Kanellos and published by Arte Público out of Houston. It's really a shame that the journal, now defunct, has not made its way online through google booksearch or the like. In any event, I recently scanned my piece from its special issue on autobiography and am making it available here as a downloadable .pdf document. Here's the full reference:
Nericcio, William A. "Autobiographies at La Frontera: The Quest for Mexican-American Narrative." The Americas Review 16.3-4 (1988): 165-87.

Villanueva, Tino, "Autobiographical Disclosures: Tino Villanueva Interviews Anthony Quinn," The Americas Review 16.3-4 (1988): 110-42