Thursday, December 08, 2016

Experimenting with Juicer! Fused Eyegiene/Textmex Social Media Feed

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  • #2009 #flashbackfriday #repost

  • #Repost @everydaylafrontera
    En esta serie, inmigrantes indocumentados o potenciales indocumentados optan por adoptar el personaje de Trump. El uso de la máscara asegura que su identidad está protegida de lo que viene en los próximos cuatro años y los posibles cambios (para revisar más información, visite el enlace: Foto: @veronica_g_cardenas. #everydaylafrontera #migración #migrantes #frontera #laraza #brownpride #performance #happening #máscara #mask #bergman #photography #everydayeverywhere #everydaymigration #art #augmentedreality #conceptart #fujifilm #immigrants #migration #migrants #trump #southtexas #border #resist

  • Thanks to Rachael Freyman Brown, for the linkazo who adds: "So, for those of you who are from the Valley and moved away, and miss it, sometimes... And for those of you who wonder what life is like on the other side of the Checkpoint..."

    I share the video for Alexandro José Gradilla who, no doubt, is wearing those pants today as he teaches his classes! Looking good, ese! ;-0

  • Maria Carla Sanchez has sent in this story as a suggested #pendejosoftheminute #pendejooftheminute nominee!

    winner winner, chicken dinner! #nomextasy

  • Me and Eric Smigel at the Arts Alive SDSU rave/concert/acid text Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union, Thursday December 8, 2016--part of the #psychedelicmirrors / Engl 220, Psychedelic Mirrors: Introducing Lit/Film/Art/Rock'n'Roll experiment!

  • So thrilled to hang with amazing #latinx artists @breadandsalt_sandiego with @athenaeumartcenter

  • Check out DIEGO CAMPOSECO, the new guest blogger at Arrob@ at Duke! Awesome stuff! #mextasy

  • Engage your users on social media with a feed on your website or blog for free.
  • #ucsd #dawg #dawgundkat #grafitti

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  • Jan 31 @4pm‼️#junotdiaz @SDSU brought to you by➡️ tickets here: and in my bio link @william.nericcio

  • The meeting of the minds--#pendejosoftheminute edition! #pendejooftheminute

  • #Repost @the.root
    After the #Trump administration's decision to rescind #DACA, protesters in NYC came together to rally against hate. #DefendDACA

  • RT @printmag: We're still obsessing over @mrseaves's handlettering!

  • lets you easily create and embed social media feeds like this one on to your site for free!
  • Yesterday I spent the day in Tijuana with a wonderful bunch of psychoanalysts, psychologists, graduate students and undergraduates, part of a binational border congress on adolescent psychology. I met some really amazing people—the intelligence was formidable but even more devastatingly beautiful was the compassion and empathy of these professionals. I am used to being around smart people at the university, but all to often there the norm is distance, affective disorders, and all-too-often sour dispositions.
    Today I woke up and my neighbors are flying the Mexican flag—I don’t know what it means but I feel filled with the power and spirit of one of my motherlands this morning.
    #mextasy #textmex #universityheights

  • #Repost @time
    In a mass show of force in favor of gun control and school safety on March 24, thousands of supporters converged on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., to listen to speeches from student advocates as well as performances by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Miley Cyrus, Common and others. This photographs were shot on a television lift by Gabriella Demczuk (@gdemczuk) for TIME.

  • #Repost @mexiconsart
    Margarita Carmen Dolores Cansino was born today, later know as Rita Hayworth 💃🏻 As part of the "Dancing Cansinos" she would perform with her dad Eduardo in Tijuana's Hotel Caliente in the 1930's until she was discovered [by Columbia Pictures mogul Harry Cohn]. #ritahayworth #margaritacansino

  • #starwars #mextasy !!!

  • My new Facebook profile pic-- an homage to @jr #mextasy

  • lets you easily create and embed social media feeds like this one on to your site for free!
  • Way back in the day--circa 1993? Me and my good friend Speedy Gonzales! #textmex/mextasy

  • the perfect gift for the cineaste in your life #cinema #KrzysztofKieslowski Krzysztof Kieslowski

  • #mextasy #diegorivera #pablopicasso #picasso #rivera #mexico #mexicanart LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art on the move!

  • #repost of @cory_doctorow "rare fossil" #eyegasm #eyegiene

  • #repost of outstanding post by @richardtrodriguez #mextasy #chicanopower #speedygonzales

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  • I used to LOVE the animated Star Trek show!

  • Help Support the Comics Archive at SDSU's LOVE LIBRARY!!!
    Pamela Jackson and Anna Culbertson have been working hard to preserve nearly 40,000 comics donated to the SDSU Library's Special Collections and University Archives. The Alumni Association is helping the Library raise funds through their crowdfunding campaign to support our efforts! Demand is growing for this collection and lately we’ve been working with faculty and students in Africana Studies, Classics & Humanities, English & Comparative Literature, and History (to name a few) on research assignments that utilize the Comic Arts Collection. We often see students connecting comics with issues of race, gender, identity, and social justice explored in many of your classes! If you or anyone you know is looking to make a year-end, tax-deductible gift, we hope you’ll consider us! And finally, if you'd like to include comics or any of our other special collections in your classes next semester, please don't hesitate to contact us!

    Pamela Jackson and Anna Culbertson
    Special Collections and University Archive

  • #Repost @obeygiant
    Heading to the #WomensMarch this Saturday? Download, print, and share this twist on last year's iconic #WeThePeople poster for FREE at Stand for humanity. Stand for dignity. Stand for the #DreamActNow. Thank you @amplifierart and @ari.mejorado. #PowerToThePolls #AmplifierArt

  • Wow! The closing concert for our Engl 220, Psychedelic Mirrors: Introducing Lit/Film/Art/Rock'n'Roll class was out of this world #psychedelicmirrors

  • #Repost @marmelgabe
    ・・・"Found on the street this morning in San Diego, but the jubilation was short lived, a buzzkill reported the vandalism and street workers came out to cover the cursed name in tar. Points for originality and taking the trouble to duplicate the typography of the word "Stop". Whoever did this, we feel you dude."

  • #breakingbad the last text of the semester for my wild mob of #psychedelicmirrors kids!

  • @madisononpark does a rather attractive drink‼️😜➡️ #420 #cannabis

  • Emily Dickinson’s Singular Scrap Poetry


  • Help Support the Comics Archive at SDSU's LOVE LIBRARY!!!

    Pamela Jackson and Anna Culbertson have been working hard to preserve nearly 40,000 comics donated to the SDSU Library's Special Collections and University Archives. The Alumni Association is helping the Library raise funds through their crowdfunding campaign to support our efforts!

    Demand is growing for this collection and lately we’ve been working with faculty and students in Africana Studies, Classics & Humanities, English & Comparative Literature, and History (to name a few) on research assignments that utilize the Comic Arts Collection. We often see students connecting comics with issues of race, gender, identity, and social justice explored in many of your classes!

    If you or anyone you know is looking to make a year-end, tax-deductible gift, we hope you’ll consider us! And finally, if you'd like to include comics or any of our other special collections in your classes next semester, please don't hesitate to contact us!

    Pamela Jackson and Anna Culbertson
    Special Collections and University Archives

  • Thx to @pillchild for the link‼️ ➡️ #Repost @jr
    GIANT PICNIC at the border today in Tecate ... people eating the same food, sharing the same water, enjoying the same music (half of the band on each side) around the eye of a dreamer ... we forgot the wall for a minute ...

  • @alt_myriam_gurba666 visited my crazy cultural studies lab/studio earlier today @sdsu #sdsumalas #mextasy

  • William Nericcio

  • #imageoftheyear from @jr ➡️ #Repost @jr
    NEW RELEASE : Special print (edition of 180) on @socialanimals « GIANTS, KIKITO AND THE BORDER PATROL, TECATE, MEXICO - USA , 2017 »

  • Pixar’s Coco Is a “Love Letter to Mexico” When It’s Needed Most

  • #nostalgia #laredo #kindergarten 1966

  • Very excited to be chairing the search committee for an Area of Excellence/ The Digital Humanities Initiative at SDSU hire focused on historical approaches to a nexus that includes technology, race, ethnicity, and gender. @SDSU on the move in the 21st century!

    Applications are no longer being accepted, but the novel position is worth taking a peek at:

  • The "Diego" video here--scroll right--has to be seen! #mextasy

  • #barriologan

  • Great gifts from old friends! #ritahayworth #mextasy

  • As Gustavo Arellano sez, BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! 5 years? That long!? We have to have you back at SDSU this Spring! Abrazos! #mextasy

  • Thx @mictlan_studios -- more on these new #loteria cards ➡️ and in the bio link ‼️ cheers @millennialloteria

  • Brian Behnken nominates Mitt "Janus" Romney as #pendejooftheminute! We say! YES --another winner!

  • The young Billy Nericcio, Laredo, Texas, circa 1974--shhhhhhhhhh Knights de Laredo... don't blow my cover--yes, you Alfonso Lozano!!!! Jay Whitley!!! Debbie Jacaman!!!!

  • #Repost @dianayanezshow
    Too many wonderful photos to post! Great crowd! Great feeling! There is hope! #WMLA #resisthate #savethedreAmers #blacklivesmatter #earth #losangeles

  • John Glenn and the 'Last Plantation'

  • #wisdom #posture ➡️ repost

  • Leon Lanzbom! I miss you!

  • #repost from Facebook from a couple of weeks back featuring my #brushwithfame with #junotdiaz @sdsu ➡️ original post: It was an extraordinary evening with Junot Díaz @SDSU--a sincere thank you to Fernanda Vega Huerta, whose grant writing skills made the event happen, and to my amazing colleague and current Director of M.A.L.A.S. The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Ricardo Vasconcelos, who started off the night with eloquence and grace. Diaz's words on combating the internalization of self-loathing, of saying no to Impostor Syndrome-itis, was one for the ages. An extraordinary night for #sdsumalas, its graduate students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends.

  • Genius semiotic musings via @sammarlow27 & @newyorkermag @newyorkercartoons #nostalgia #mirrortext

  • #wallacethecat Monday

  • What an amazing class Engl 220, Psychedelic Mirrors: Introducing Lit/Film/Art/Rock'n'Roll --the #psychedelicmirrors Arts Alive SDSU project with the four best TAs that a professor (and his 300 students) could have! Jennifer Carter Casey Hands Katie Sweeney and Lauren Luedtke!!!!!

  • The Only Case Where the Testimony of a Ghost Was Used to Convict a Murderer

  • Me, @mr_wentura, and his handmade surfboard #awesome ‼️ Paul is an awesome cultural studies #sdsumalas grad student

  • Mexicanesque "Haitian" Manuel, giver of goat legs and voodoo nefariousness over at Pappy's fine blog! #mextasy #textmex

  • #coronado post lecture existential cleansing with @latinxgraphix

  • #mextasy

  • All my friends in the house! #mextasy #dawgundkat @sketchpartysd #sketchparty #sketchparty @mchank

  • #psychedelicmirrors

  • See you next Wednesday @sdsu--an event sponsored by @sdsulibrary & @sdsupress & #sdsumalas ... @juncocanche with @william.nericcio -- charlando about comics, satire, y mucho mas more. Help me spread the palabra @labodegagallery @gustavo_arellano @whistlestopbar @sketchpartysd #mextasy #comics #comix #chicano #xicano #latinx

  • #bizarrecaucasianbestiary #bizarrecaucasian #textmex #mextasy

  • #pendejooftheyear ...

  • Felicidades @gustavo_arellano on your @newyorkermag piece‼️➡️ #Repost @gustavo_arellano
    My 1st-ever article for @newyorkermag—HWUT. About the importance of #tamales and #tamalada, especially in this rough year for raza. Link in bio--enjoy, and pass it on! #reconquista #mexicanwithglasses #desmadre #tamal #tamale #tamaleseason #tamaleten #partylikeajournalist #mexicanfood #comidamexicana #newyorker #tamalegram ➡️

  • #psychedelicmirrors in the news!

  • a game a former student recommended to me--have not checked it out yet!
    #eyegiene Eyegiene: The Televisual Age of Sex and Race CAT 125: I/Eyegasm #marshallmcluhan

  • image

  • My new Facebook profile picture in honor of #chrischristie #beachhog

  • Looking forward to my 2017 homecoming! Fiesta-time in Laredo, Texas ONLY IN LAREDO St Augustine HS - Class of 1980 - Laredo TX

  • "Sacrifice is not sacrifice when what is gained is more precious than what is lost." Lehi Neseem. Outstanding English Grad @SDSU

  • Hanging with @loshollywoodpix at @artsalivesdsu @artfulassessment #artpop

  • #Repost @laloalcaraz1
    Chain migration

  • Via coco fusco via Maria Carla Sànchez

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  • This Is the First Step Toward Undoing Some Damage of the 2016 Election

  • #Repost @millennialloteria
    🎶 Dropping that Selena “Como La Floor”🌹 remix on Friday like... #ElDJ #MillennialLoteria .
    #hispanic #latino #latina #art #illustration #beautiful #mexico #guatemala #mexican #latinx #instagood #creative #instaartist #instalike #swag #loteria #DJ #Party➡️ #mextasy

  • #Repost @pochodotcom
    The Sivel War. By Donald Trump. #dumptrump #fucktrump

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  • #Repost @juncocanche
    Barrio Watch. In these times, we not only have to look out for our families, but our communities, against these racist motherfuckers that have become more bold since Trump took office. No time for gang war, no time for racism among our gente, no time for levas. Time for self defense. Art by Junco Canché. #juncocanche #cpra #chicano #punk #rock #artesano #chicanoart #trump #fucktrump #fuckdonaldtrump #racism #neighborhoodwatch #barrio #selfdefense #antiracism #bashthefash #antifascista #califas #kkk #antikkk #decolonize #brownlivesmatter #goodnightwhitepride

  • Thanks to all you locos that lit up my feed with love--it was a great birthday! now leave me alone Zuckerberg, I have a book to finish!

  • Gracias Gustavo Arellano!!! Boom! #mextasy y Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucination of the "Mexican" in America

  • Matt de la Peña

  • lets you easily create and embed social media feeds like this one on to your site for free!
  • Me w/ocean... Thx Sophia!

  • #bartenderlife #bartenderforlife Behind the bar with Luca at Harry's Bar, Roma, Italia -- @harrysbarroma #ladolcevita

  • My former student, friend, and future star @melissa_b_ocampo channeling #mextasy ➡️ #Repost @melissa_b_ocampo
    Friday night with MACHETE & Donuts! Last night I got to act in a really funny shoot with my hero, Danny Trejo. Truly an amazing experience for me and I’ll share once the project is completed. 🍩🎬💯 @officialdannytrejo
    #sisepuede #machete #dannytrejo #latino #mexicanamerican #dreamers #sketch #comedy #rolemodel #actor #behindthescenes #losangeles #hollywood #theyhavevegandonuts
    #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #vegano #whatveganslooklike #vegan #coffee #donuts #onlyinla

  • #Repost @_brown_power_
    Selena girl you are my role model forever!

    #MexicanPride #Chicano #VivaLaRaza #Mexico #MexicanFlag #MexicanAmerican #Latino #Mexican #BrownPride #LaRaza #aztlan #xicano #BrownBerets #growingupmexican

  • Engage your users on social media with a feed on your website or blog for free.
  • @saludsd #mextasy #culinarymextasy

  • #tejano #tejana wisdom ➡️ #mextasy ➡️ #Repost @ebitdada
    State of the neighborhood, on a fractured metal wall barely stitched together

    #stateoftheunion #america #disunion #streetart #posterart #politicalposter #pendejo #austin #eastaustin #texas #borderzone

  • #junotdiaz coming to sdsu--a guest of #sdsumalas ➡️ Mark the date on your calendars! January 31 @ 4pm ➡️ Junot Diaz @ SDSU. 🍾🍾 Felicidades to our MALAS (M.A.L.A.S. The Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences) graduate student Fernanda Vega Huerta who made this happen! More info or hit my biolink ...

  • #semiotic #mextasy from @jakeprendez via

  • Just me and a "thrilled-to-be-with-me" @therealgza of #wutangclan #wutangisforthechildren @sdsu this past Tuesday. Thx to cool lensman @soloriofilm for the paparazzo assist‼ 👁🎙🎙🎙👁

  • @Sdsu looking good #delcerro

  • #caucasianbestiary #thecaucasianbestiary #bizarrecaucasianbestiary #caucasian Another mad desmadre from the #mextasy exhibition opening in the Library of Love (SDSU Library) early 2017

  • #Repost @gringoregio y gracias to @pochodotcom for pointing me to this epic #pendejotrump posting

  • #margaritacansino #ritahayworth #textmex #mextasy

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