Every now and then someone slips up and leaves the cell-door open and a professor gets to excape her or his host
asylum to hit the road and go "on tour," sort of speak.
Ok, it's not quite the
Frampton Comes Alive tour or
Cheap Trick, Live at Budakan sans

but it's as close as us mortar-board wearing, would-be / wanna-be, band-on-the-run, robe & hood sporting wonks are gonna get to that legendary life of tour-buses, champagne, and debauchery.
So it is with great pleasure that I let slip to occasional readers and random image-safari visitors that I am visting
Austin (The University of Texas at Austin, UT, November 1),
San Antonio (The University of Texas at San Antonio, UTSA, November 5),
Los Feliz (at Skylight Books, November 7),
Los Angeles (The University of Southern California, USC, November 8), and Santa Cruz (at the
Felix Kulpa Gallery, The University of California, Santa Cruz, UCSC, December 7) in support of
If you are near one of the readings come out and say
Mil gracias a La Bloga for the
shout-out regarding this tour!
The poster (below) that
Michael Buchmiller did for the Texas gigs is nothing short of amazing--
gracias to genius Buchmiller for his savvy graphic eye.
Guillermo Nericcio García, rogue, semiotic, imagemeister from
memogr@phics designcasa, came up with one as well (left) for the USC reading. Each appears here in living color.