Gustavo Arellano, he/el of ASK-A-MEXICAN fame, appears in the March 2, 2007 edition of the Los Angeles Times; therein the sure-to-be-damned, wicked Chicano columnist holds forth on recent racist college party trends--namely, all-the-rage Latino-themed bacchanals wherein costumed gringos y gringas (other human flavors no doubt attend as well) don sombreros and fake mustaches, while siphoning barrels of tequila and beer down their gullets--this, as a means (but of course!) of channeling our intrinsically Dionysian inner Chicana/o Dasein. It turns out simulating barrio Mexicans might be the NEXT big story since Paris Hilton's storage locker turned up on Ebay. Our African-American hermanos y hermanas have put up with these shenanigans (2) for over a century, so we may be in for one hell of a ride:
That Arrellano elects to anoint Tex[t]-Mex with a mention at the end of his piece means I have to buy him a beeg beeg regalito/regalote this coming navidad! Abrazos Gustavo! Abrazos!