I have written long and hard on the birth and death of stereotypes--"death" here is a dream as the metamorphosis of stereotypes, of narrative in general, is as guaranteed as taxes. In my class on Sex in Literature and Film I chanced to lecture the other day on the dynamics of sadism and masochism. The words are key here today in my archiving of the story of Mexico's
pozolero, Santiago Meza López, as they both describe pathological diagnoses of extreme (and common) human behavioral practices that are named after real people: the Marquis
de Sade and
Sacher von Masoch.
When stories like the one below break, the mind is indelibly fixed with the horror of liquefying human corpses--throw in the lingering hangover of the trope of the Mexican bandit, updated with a post-Tony Montana
narco metaphorics and the in-our-lifetime
disintegration of the cultural life of the American/Mexican frontera and its hard not to image the next-generation figuration of "Mexicans" including some facet of this horrific, better-than-Poe, tale.