My sordid, theoretical, and lustful views of the one and only "Mexican Spitfire" appear both in Tex[t]-Mex and Bananas to Buttocks--both, from UTPress.
Here's more from the Austin American-Statesman:
A trio of classic Mexican stars shine on Austin screens
By Chris Garcia
Friday, January 04, 2008
With its new Essential Cinema series "Three Mexicanas en Hollywood," the Austin Film Society spotlights a trio of striking actresses who claimed screen fame on both sides of the border. Dolores del Rio, Katy Jurado and Lupe Vélez played everything from torrid balls of heaving passion to galloping thrill-seekers.
Six films spanning 24 years will show Tuesday through Feb. 12. Showtimes are at 7 p.m. at the Alamo at the Ritz, 320 E. Sixth St. Free for AFS members; $4 general. Reserve seats and read more about the movies at www.austinfilm.org. 322-0145.
• Tuesday: 'Evangeline' (1929) —Edwin Carewe's silent love story, based on the Longfellow poem, stars the winsome Dolores del Rio.
• Jan. 15: 'Deseada' (1921) It's del Rio again, this time wriggling herself into a love triangle that includes her sister, stirring up zesty melodrama in Mexico.• Jan. 22: 'The Gaucho'(1927) —Matinee idol Douglas Fairbanks is swept up in Argentinian adventure and scorched by the heat of Lupe Vélez, who fights and rides with plucky panache.
• Jan. 29: 'La Zandunga' (1938) —Another steamy love triangle — Mexican cinema adores its soap — with Vélez entangled in the passions of two rival tough guys.
• Feb. 5: 'El Bruto' (1953) —Katy Jurado falls for the title brute in the great Luis Buñuel's melodrama, which is low on his characteristic surrealism and high on suds.
• Feb. 12: 'High Noon' (1952) —Jurado swoons and sweats and agonizes as two of her ex-lovers poise for a showdown. One of those lovers is Gary Cooper.
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