and, more!

The advertising community is following the smooth cabrón closely: the next "Juan Valdez" says a lot. More in the works.
Here's the team behind the ad:
Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World - Intro”
Euro RSCG Worldwide/New York
The “most interesting man in the world” is a party animal whose “beard alone has experienced more than most men” and “whose blood smells like cologne.” He tells us that he doesn’t always drink beer, but his beer of choice is Dos Equis. “Stay thirsty, my friends.”
Creative Credits
Executive CD: Jeff Kling
Creative Directors: Anthony Sperdutti, Nick Cohen
Art Director: Karl Lieberman
Copywriter: Brandon Henderson
Executive Producers: Joe Guyt, Cathy Pitegoff
Sr. Producer: Dan Fried
Production Company: @radical.media/New York
Director: Steve Miller
Director of Photography: Eric Schmidt
Editor: Jeff Ferruzzo/Outside Editorial, New York
Asst. Editor: Carmen Maxcy/Outside Editorial, New York
Graphic Designer: Graham Clifford/Outside Editorial, New York
Visual Effects Artist: Steve Mottershead/Outside Editorial, New York
Colorist: Tom Poole/The Mill, New York
Audio Engineer/Mixer: Eric Thompson/Berwyn Audio, New York
Composer: Brett Fuchs/Berwyn Audio, New York
Principal Talent: Jonathan Goldsmith

where can i find the track,please email me pachoute@gmail.com