Friday, Feb. 12, 2010
James West Alumni Center Conference Room
325 Westwood Plaza
UCLA campus
In Celebration of The 15th Anniversary/Quinceañera of the UCLA César Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies
On February 12, 2010 the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies will be hosting a one-day symposium that looks back over the last fifteen years of Chicana/o Studies and examines how Chicana/o queer and feminist scholars have changed the field. This historical symposium will gather over twenty-five Chicana and Chicano scholars and practitioners whose work intersects race, class, gender and sexuality paradigms within both traditional and interdisciplinary fields like Anthropology, Art History, Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies, History, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Queer Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Women's Studies.
The speakers represent three distinct generations of feminist and queer scholarship: the Chicana generation of the 1980s that utilized gender standpoint epistemologies to interrogate the patriarchal assumptions and privileges of Chicano subjectivity, the Xicana generation of the late 1990s that examined gender and sexual identity as part of transnational indigenous racial constructions and communities, and the gender-bending post-2000 Chican@ generation that uses the lens of sexuality to further decolonize the brown body and in particular, notions of feminine/masculine, maleness/femaleness within Chicana and Chicano subjectivity.
Structured as 4 “kitchen table” pláticas, or conversations, the symposium speakers will dialogue about how feminist and queer theory changed the field of Chicana and Chicano Studies, and conversely, how the intersection of Chicana/o theory altered feminist and queer studies. Because the symposium will take place near Valentine’s Day, traditionally a day to celebrate love, speakers will also speak to how they practice what Chicana theorist Chela Sandoval calls the “hermeneutics of love” in their work, that is, the speakers will dialogue about how their scholarship and activism utilizes love as a political strategy for social change.
FREE and open to the public.
Parking: Lot 6, $10
In Celebration of The 15th Anniversary/Quinceañera of the UCLA César Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies
On February 12, 2010 the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies will be hosting a one-day symposium that looks back over the last fifteen years of Chicana/o Studies and examines how Chicana/o queer and feminist scholars have changed the field. This historical symposium will gather over twenty-five Chicana and Chicano scholars and practitioners whose work intersects race, class, gender and sexuality paradigms within both traditional and interdisciplinary fields like Anthropology, Art History, Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies, History, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Queer Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Women's Studies.
The speakers represent three distinct generations of feminist and queer scholarship: the Chicana generation of the 1980s that utilized gender standpoint epistemologies to interrogate the patriarchal assumptions and privileges of Chicano subjectivity, the Xicana generation of the late 1990s that examined gender and sexual identity as part of transnational indigenous racial constructions and communities, and the gender-bending post-2000 Chican@ generation that uses the lens of sexuality to further decolonize the brown body and in particular, notions of feminine/masculine, maleness/femaleness within Chicana and Chicano subjectivity.
Structured as 4 “kitchen table” pláticas, or conversations, the symposium speakers will dialogue about how feminist and queer theory changed the field of Chicana and Chicano Studies, and conversely, how the intersection of Chicana/o theory altered feminist and queer studies. Because the symposium will take place near Valentine’s Day, traditionally a day to celebrate love, speakers will also speak to how they practice what Chicana theorist Chela Sandoval calls the “hermeneutics of love” in their work, that is, the speakers will dialogue about how their scholarship and activism utilizes love as a political strategy for social change.
FREE and open to the public.
Parking: Lot 6, $10
What time?