Monday, August 02, 2010

No Limits on the Breadth of Idiocy: Sarah Palin Edition

Thanks to East Coast internet gumshoe Daphne
Strassmann for dredging up this foul linkaso.

1 comment:

  1. Bless my little heart.Where do I begin? Is it the theft of a word in Spanish to talk about a clearly anti-Hispano law? Is it that Mama Bear used the equivalent of the term 'ball-sack' in talking about our nation's policies? Or, is it that she can only fathom women being strong,determined,courageous and gutsy by borrowing male genitalia? And here I thought that all a woman needed to be taken seriously, was to wear lipstick. Contradiction in terms much Ms. Palin? You Betcha! I see your hypocrisy and ignorance from my home (MAC) window.


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