Since 2006, a couple of months before the appearance of Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America, UT Press, 2007, the Textmex Galleryblog has been posting updates, chronicling the never-ending and ever-evolving representations of "Mexicans" in the cultural miasma of America and the Americas. Soon, probably in the next day or so, guest number 500,000 will traipse over our cyber transom. If you are that person, and you take a screenshot of the page with the number $500,000, I will be sending out a special bag of textmextian swag including an autographed/tagged copy of Tex[t]-Mex, one-of-a-kind prints from the Mextasy show, and a couple of surprises! Send me an email with the proof and your mailing address (no photoshopped lies please), and your gift will be in the mail!
Thanks to all my regular visitors and, yes, even you, oh-searching-for-salacious-pictures-of-latinas-latinos cybersurfjockey. 2012-13 will be a big year for the blog, the Mextasy show, and the book--thanks to all for your support!
Just wanted to mention that anyone who knows how to press [F12] in chrome can edit the html for the site and make it look as if they're the 500,000 visitor esse. orale pues.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the headsup! If more than one come in, I will know that nefarious cybertactics are afoot! Gracias!