Thursday, May 23, 2013

When Billy met Gabo- Que Cute!

The new and improved Guanabee has gotten all vamped up like her brothers and sisters' sites of the Gawker Media Group. So while we were checking out the new and improved site, we ran into these cute photos:

Mira los compañeros showing mutual respect and admiration! Turns out that President Clinton had been in Colombia on official business but made time to visit with one of his favorite authors and Nobel Prize Winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Apparently, according to the online version of El Tiempo a Cartagena newspaper, Clinton couldn't *"fit his smile on his face." The old friends caught up on what everyone had been up to in previous years and had a pleasant compadre time.  At the end of the visit Gabo told his old friend he loved him. Pure joy. You can see it in these photos.

*translated from "No le cabía la sonrisa en la cara." Something like grinning ear to ear.

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