In this case, the year is 1951, the nation/continent? Australia (of all places). The genocide of their autochthonous aborigines not enough to quench their thirsts, Australians and Australian pulp fiction readers turned to Cavalcade Magazine for lurid sustenance:
"[Cavalcade was a] Australian men's magazine that began in the early 1940s during WWII. The book started out with some fairly serious subject matter as much of the features had to to do with the war. The early cartoons and gags were also benign at first. As time went on the magazine became more risque both in cartoons and in the lurid/sensational text stories. Some issues featured the well done comic stories with art by Phil Belbin. By the end of the book's run it was more akin to Playboy."
via Comic Books Plus
The confluence of stereotypes here in this "Marihuana Madness" piece is noteworthy--druggy shiftless Mexicans, voodooed out Cubans, etc. The mind reels!
As with most pictures on the Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog, click them to make them mas grande!
Of course in magazines of this species, it's not enough to malign swarthy folks--you also have to throw in some "cheesecake."
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